Chaincode for TheHomeDepot dispute management application
- Clone this repo into a folder called "chaincode"
git clone [email protected]:THDPoC/chaincode.git chaincode
- Load the project in VS Code
- Install all dependencies using NPM from the VS Code terminal
npm install
- Ensure that all code passes basic unit tests
npm run test
- Make sure you have the "blockchainAPI" repo cloned into a folder next to your "chaincode" folder
- Make sure you have a local Fabric environment running
(from the blockchainAPI folder) run "npm run start-blockchain"
- Deploy your chaincode to the local Fabric environment by running the script form the VS Code terminal
- If you need to redeploy your chaincode, just run the script again and it will take care of updating Fabric with a new version
- Run a "watch" command from a new terminal window
watch -n 1 "docker ps --format 'table {{.ID}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Names}}'"