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a synthesizer & sequencer social sharing site.

Collaborators - app constructed through mob & pair programming

  • Andy Beers
  • Tim Combs
  • William Nickerson
  • Niilo Smeds
  • Tom Timmel

Repo Description

Project Functionality

  • This is a Code Fellows Full Stack Javascript Bootcamp Project to create a browser-based synthesizer and sequencer with social sharing of synthesizer settings and ability to favorite patches and follow users.

  • Synth is the home page and displays the synthesizer and sequencer

  • User Profile displays:

    • patches created by the user
    • patches favorited by the user
    • other users followed by the user
  • Sign in/Sign up authentication

    • uses tokens for authentication
    • stores tokens in localStorage

Main Technologies used for front end

  • For app

    • Javascript
    • Angular
  • For development

    • Chai
    • Mocha
    • Karma
    • Webpack
    • Eslint
  • Make sure to run npm install at the directory root to install dependencies

  • Please refer to the app/package.json for more info

Directions to run and edit locally

  • Set up a portamento project directory that contains a directory for the front end and another directory for the back end:

    • portamento
      • portamento-app
      • portamento-server
  • Download the repos

  • Get MongoDB running on your machine or use mLab (or something similar) to host a mongoDB database

  • 1 - start the back end

    • Open another terminal window, navigate to the app folder and at the CLI type:
      npm start
  • 2 - start the front end (for local editing and testing)

    • Open another terminal window, navigate to the app folder and at the CLI type:
      npm start
  • 3 - Then open a browser window and navigate to the address localhost:8080

  • Please refer to the app/package.json for info about app scripts

  • Please refer to the server/package.json for info about server scripts


  • Set Up

    • Make sure you have the app, server and database running per "Directions to run locally"
  • To run front end tests, when in portamento-app directory at cli type:

    npm test
    • this will first run eslint - for more info look at .eslintrc
    • then karma uses mocha to run Angular unit tests

Code Shape

  • The code has been vetted using eslint.


  • Always looking for suggestions and ideas for further development.
  • Any questions and concerns can be handled by opening an issue on the codebase.


  • Licensed under the MIT license - see LICENSE for more info.


No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
