C# implementation of Finite State Transducer for use in full-text search tasks
Construct FST from prepared sample file. Each line in the input file has the following form input->output. Lines are sorted by input.
dotnet run --configuration=Release -- build -i ../../Datasets/Simple/airports.txt
FST constructed time: 00:00:02.5726407, terms: 46894, cache size: 65000, Memory: 71503872, output size: 949500
FST (memory) verification time: 00:00:00.2863610
FST (file) verification time: 00:00:00.2789775
Print entries that match given pattern
dotnet run --configuration=Release -- print -p "Lely*"
FST header terms: 46894, max length: 95, states: 162860
Lelygebergte Airstrip->323787
Lelystad Airport->2522
FST print terms: 2, time: 00:00:00.0708254