A basic Kivy app with system tray possibilities like a system tray menu and a notification balloon.
Based on the work done by Simon Brunning regarding the use of PyWin32. Although the notify balloon was nog implemented in his version. For that the work done by Github user boppreh was used. Both project were partly used to create the systemtray menu and balloon messaging system.
Kivy was used as a basis for the application. From Kivy it is possible to call an action that displays a balloon message in the system tray.
Kivy 1.9.1 was used. In this version it was impossible (for me :)) to hide and show the application. There currently is a bug that will be fixed in 1.9.2. When at startup the application is hidden the show command will not display the application and to whole proces hangs. That's why this is nog implemented yet in the current version of KivySystemTrayApp.
Please feel free to contact me.