MeerKAT radio telescope simulation package. Designed with performance in mind and utilizes Just in time compile (JIT) and XLA backed vectroization for batched functions. Designed for geometric inference models for multibeam telescopes.
Under construction Read docs can be found here
Under Tutorial Tutorial Notebook Found Here
This package currently has a single major function which is to create an observation
object that holds all 64
simulated events. Here is a synthetic event simulation example:
from MeerKATgen import Observation
from MeerKATgen.sim_params import random_SETI_params
#number of SETI signals to simulate
SETI = random_SETI_params(3)
obs = Observation(num_beams=64,
data, coordinates, adj_matrix, labels = obs.extract_all()
We can also take in real MeerKAT observations ... however data will be provided later on when observations are released...