A mongoose plugin to create polymorphic relationships. The relationship enables the extended object to belong to any other mongoose object.
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var mongoosePolymorphic = require('mongoose-polymorphic')
// Create a schema
var AlertSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: "String"
// Apply the plugin
mongoose.model('Alert', AlertSchema);
var Item = mongoose.model('Item')
var item = new Item
var Alert = mongoose.model("Alert")
var alert = new Alert
alert.fetchItem(function(err, item){}
if (err){
console.log err
} else {
console.log item
mongoose-polymorphic is a mongoose plugin. It takes options to set the association and dynamically creates getters and setters.
var mongoosePolymorphic = require('mongoose-polymorphic');
AlertSchema.plugin(mongoosePolymorphic, options);
By default this will create schema keys 'itemId' and 'itemType'. It also defines methods 'setItem' and 'fetchItem'.
- associationKey {String} - define a custom association name (defaults to 'item'). This changes the base name of mappings and methods such as associationKey: 'parent' will create mappings 'parentId' and 'parentType'
- promise {Object} - provide a promise library to wrap the async fetchItem method. For example {promise: require('bluebird')}