- Count all possible ways from top left to bottom right.
- Path with minimum Effort(leetcode dijshiktra on 2D grid)
- Count N-length strings consisting only of vowels sorted lexographically.
- Reach Nth stair
- Nth stair with atmost K steps
- Reach a given score-- very very imp --(https://practice.geeksforgeeks.org/problems/reach-a-given-score-1587115621/1)
- Maximum path sum in matrix(GFG :- https://practice.geeksforgeeks.org/problems/path-in-matrix3805/1)
- Maximum sum Problem(https://practice.geeksforgeeks.org/problems/maximum-sum-problem2211/1#)
- Find minimum/maximum cost of the path from any cell in the first row to any cell in the last row.
- Longest increasing subsequence (NlogN , DP )
- Longest subsequence such that difference between adjacent elements is one.
- https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-arithmetic-subsequence-of-given-difference/
- Longest Bitonic Subsequence
- Longest sum Bitonic Subsequence
- Maximum sum subarray
- Kadanes Algorithm(Maximum sum subarray)
- Maximum Absolute Sum of Any Subarray
- Skip the work(direct dp solution and converting the recursive program into dp)
- Yet another broken keyboard-codeforces
- Caesar's Legions codeforces
- Flower eating marmot
- Optimal game strategy
- Pots of gold game
- Maximum Tip Calculator
- 0-1 Knapsack
- 0-1 knapsack unbounded
- Coin Combinations-1(Permutations taken into account. 1D problem with outer loop running on the sum)
- Coins Combinations-2(only Combinations are taken into account.1D problem with inner loop running on the sum)
- No. of subsets with given sum(Inner loop running on sum. Understand why ?? 2D similar to 0-1 knapsack)
- No. of subsets with given sum(1D with inner loop running on sum but reversed)
- Partial Equal Subset sum(1D problem correlate with above problems)
- Count Ways to reach Nth stair
- Minimum No. of coins to make a change.
- Maximize the cut segments
- Dice Combinations(CSES)
- Rod cutting Problem(maximum profit problem)
- Consecutive 1's not allowed
- House robber - 1 (recursion + DP leetcode)
- House robber - 2 (recursion + DP leetcode)
- Count possible ways to construct Buildings
- Longest Path in Directed Acyclic graph
- Buy and sell stocks(one transaction allowed) - I
- Buy and sell stocks(multiple transactions) - II (refer recursive and iterative and analyse why dp cannot be used in this problem)
- Buy and sell stocks(multiple transactions) with cooldown
- Buy and sell stocks(multiple transactions) with transaction fee
- Buy and sell stocks(atmost 2 transactions)
- Buy and sell stocks(atmost k transactions)
- 2 keys keyboard (recursion + DP)
- Edit distance (recursion + DP)
- Minimum White Tiles After Covering With Carpets (recursion + DP leetcode)
- Delete Operation for Two Strings (recursion + DP)
- Minimum ascii delete sum to make 2 strings same (recursion + DP)
- Partition equal subset sum (leetcode , recursion + DP)
- Word break problem (leetcode)
- Partition with k equal subset sum (leetcode , Can be done only with backtracking)
- Given an array of size N in how many ways you can get a sum of k using elements of the array.
- No repetition + Combinations
- No repetition + Permutations
- Repetition + Combinations ( CSES coin Combination - 2 )
- Repetition + Permutations ( CSES Coin Combination - 1 )
- Combination sum - 1 (leetcode)
- Combination sum - 2 (leetcode very important)
- Combination sum - 3 (leetcode)
- Combination sum - 4 (leetcode)
- Palindrome partitioning - 1 (backtracking , leetcode)
- Palindrome partitioning - 2 ( DP , leetcode )
- Palindrome partitioning - 3 ( DP , leetcode )
- Palindrome partitioning - 4 ( DP , leetcode )
- Maximum Value of K Coins From Piles (leetcode)
- Jump Game - 1 (leetcode)
- Jump Game - 2 (leetcode can be done using BFS and also DP)
- Jump Game - 3 (leetcode-BFS)
- Jump Game - 4 (leetcode-BFS)
Given an input array and a target value , the possible type of problems that we face are listed below. Array restriction output
- distinct elements + taken only once + Combinations ( combination sum - 3 )
- Distinct elements + taken any times + Combinations ( coin combinations - 2 , combination sum - 1 )
- Distinct elements + taken only once + Permutations
- Distinct elements + taken any times + Permutations ( combination sum - 4 , coin combinations - 1 )
- Repetition of elements + taken only once + Combinations ( combination sum - 2 )
- Repetition of elements + taken any times + Combinations
- Repetition of elements + taken only once + Permutations
- Repetition of elements + taken any times + Permutations