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Problem Set

  1. Count all possible ways from top left to bottom right.
  2. Path with minimum Effort(leetcode dijshiktra on 2D grid)
  3. Count N-length strings consisting only of vowels sorted lexographically.
  4. Reach Nth stair
  5. Nth stair with atmost K steps
  6. Reach a given score-- very very imp --(
  7. Maximum path sum in matrix(GFG :-
  8. Maximum sum Problem(
  9. Find minimum/maximum cost of the path from any cell in the first row to any cell in the last row.
  10. Longest increasing subsequence (NlogN , DP )
  11. Longest subsequence such that difference between adjacent elements is one.
  13. Longest Bitonic Subsequence
  14. Longest sum Bitonic Subsequence
  15. Maximum sum subarray
  16. Kadanes Algorithm(Maximum sum subarray)
  17. Maximum Absolute Sum of Any Subarray
  18. Skip the work(direct dp solution and converting the recursive program into dp)
  19. Yet another broken keyboard-codeforces
  20. Caesar's Legions codeforces
  21. Flower eating marmot
  22. Optimal game strategy
  23. Pots of gold game
  24. Maximum Tip Calculator
  25. 0-1 Knapsack
  26. 0-1 knapsack unbounded
  27. Coin Combinations-1(Permutations taken into account. 1D problem with outer loop running on the sum)
  28. Coins Combinations-2(only Combinations are taken into account.1D problem with inner loop running on the sum)
  29. No. of subsets with given sum(Inner loop running on sum. Understand why ?? 2D similar to 0-1 knapsack)
  30. No. of subsets with given sum(1D with inner loop running on sum but reversed)
  31. Partial Equal Subset sum(1D problem correlate with above problems)
  32. Count Ways to reach Nth stair
  33. Minimum No. of coins to make a change.
  34. Maximize the cut segments
  35. Dice Combinations(CSES)
  36. Rod cutting Problem(maximum profit problem)
  37. Consecutive 1's not allowed
  38. House robber - 1 (recursion + DP leetcode)
  39. House robber - 2 (recursion + DP leetcode)
  40. Count possible ways to construct Buildings
  41. Longest Path in Directed Acyclic graph
  42. Buy and sell stocks(one transaction allowed) - I
  43. Buy and sell stocks(multiple transactions) - II (refer recursive and iterative and analyse why dp cannot be used in this problem)
  44. Buy and sell stocks(multiple transactions) with cooldown
  45. Buy and sell stocks(multiple transactions) with transaction fee
  46. Buy and sell stocks(atmost 2 transactions)
  47. Buy and sell stocks(atmost k transactions)
  48. 2 keys keyboard (recursion + DP)
  49. Edit distance (recursion + DP)
  50. Minimum White Tiles After Covering With Carpets (recursion + DP leetcode)
  51. Delete Operation for Two Strings (recursion + DP)
  52. Minimum ascii delete sum to make 2 strings same (recursion + DP)
  53. Partition equal subset sum (leetcode , recursion + DP)
  54. Word break problem (leetcode)
  55. Partition with k equal subset sum (leetcode , Can be done only with backtracking)
  56. Given an array of size N in how many ways you can get a sum of k using elements of the array.
  57. No repetition + Combinations
  58. No repetition + Permutations
  59. Repetition + Combinations ( CSES coin Combination - 2 )
  60. Repetition + Permutations ( CSES Coin Combination - 1 )
  61. Combination sum - 1 (leetcode)
  62. Combination sum - 2 (leetcode very important)
  63. Combination sum - 3 (leetcode)
  64. Combination sum - 4 (leetcode)
  65. Palindrome partitioning - 1 (backtracking , leetcode)
  66. Palindrome partitioning - 2 ( DP , leetcode )
  67. Palindrome partitioning - 3 ( DP , leetcode )
  68. Palindrome partitioning - 4 ( DP , leetcode )
  69. Maximum Value of K Coins From Piles (leetcode)
  70. Jump Game - 1 (leetcode)
  71. Jump Game - 2 (leetcode can be done using BFS and also DP)
  72. Jump Game - 3 (leetcode-BFS)
  73. Jump Game - 4 (leetcode-BFS)

Combinations and Permutations counting problems

Given an input array and a target value , the possible type of problems that we face are listed below. Array restriction output

  1. distinct elements + taken only once + Combinations ( combination sum - 3 )
  2. Distinct elements + taken any times + Combinations ( coin combinations - 2 , combination sum - 1 )
  3. Distinct elements + taken only once + Permutations
  4. Distinct elements + taken any times + Permutations ( combination sum - 4 , coin combinations - 1 )
  5. Repetition of elements + taken only once + Combinations ( combination sum - 2 )
  6. Repetition of elements + taken any times + Combinations
  7. Repetition of elements + taken only once + Permutations
  8. Repetition of elements + taken any times + Permutations


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