Extract accounts' identifiers from personal pages on various platforms.
- Checking that the account was previously known even if all public info has changed
- Getting additional info by the account UID (Google, Instagram, etc.)
- Searching by commonly used cross-service UIDs (Facebook, Yandex, etc.)
- DB leaks of forums and platforms in SQL format
- Indexed links that contain target profile ID
- Searching for tracking data by comparison with other IDs - how it works, how can it be used.
$ ./socid_extractor.py https://medium.com/@lys1n
Medium has been detected
uid: 4894fec6b289
username: lys1n
name: Марк Лясин
twitter_username: lys1n
facebook_uid: 1726256597385716
Over 20 services: VK (user), OK (user), Facebook (user, group), Google (all documents), Yandex (disk, albums, znatoki, music, realty), Instagram, Medium, Reddit, GitHub, Bitbucket, Habrahabr, My.mail.ru, Behance, 500px, Steam, Last.fm, Blogger, SoundCloud, D3, VC.ru, LiveJournal.
Check test_socid_extractor.py
for examples.
- Twitch - API requests only, Chrome extension available
- Jira - auth required for profile page
- Disqus - API -requests only, example