HOSCY Beta v.0.5.5 Open Beta Build 16
HOSCY Open Beta
Welcome to the 16th open beta version of HOSCY!
This release includes OscQuery support and a bunch of other features and fixes.
Thanks to "momothemonster" for approving early release of this build!
If you have any questions or issues, both documentation, and a link to the Discord can be found on the main page. The wiki contains all information needed, including a quick start guide.
Important notice for updating
Voices for Azure are now a dropdown so they might be wiped.
The AFK Timer unit has been changed to seconds instead of milliseconds so might be misconfigured.
+ Counters now have the ability to be displayed at the same time, this can be done via the "Counter Display Duration" options, showing the counter in following counter notifications for N seconds
+ Counters can now be disabled individually in the "Edit Counters" menu
+ The option to display counters now actually works, counters will still increase if this option is disabled
Please see previous patch notes too