Print Shop Scheduler
- Install Boost C++ libraries
$ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
- Install JAVA 8 (optional)
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
- Compile the source code of the scheduler. In the root directory of the project:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install
All executables produced by the 'make' command above are located in build/apps, including single-site, multi-site, and filler-scheduler. There is a '' script in each of the folders under build/apps. The names of the executables are: psss (single-site scheduler), pssm (multi-site scheduler), and pssf (filler scheduler), which can be used to test the excess capacity of a given shop using a test filler job. Running the executables without any arugment will print out the usage message to stdout. Directory build/apps/jni contains a JNI interface for the scheduler.
The 'data' folder contains a list of example shops and job lists, as follows:
example.shp: a single-site shop example
example_joblist[1-5].jls: example job list files
example_multi_site_shop.mss: a multi-site shop example that refers to the following three site shops
example_shop[1-3].shp: example single-site shops that belong to the above multi-site shop
example_multi_site_jobs.msj: a multi-siite job list example that refers to the five single-site job lists described in 2.