Description: Usage statistics for PAC developer (a la Cyanogenmod Stats)
CyanogenMod has a feature to report anonymous Statistics to the Cyanogenmod Team: on first boot the user is given the choice to send anonymous statistics to CyanogenMod website (
The submitted data contains:
- Device hash: which is a salted MD5 hash of the IMEI (or wifi MAC, if imei is unavailable for some reason)
- Device name: the property "ro.product.model" of build.prop
- Device version: the property "" of build.prop
- Country: from the Android API, getNetworkCountryIso
- Carrier: from the Android API, getNetworkOperatorName
- Carier ID: from the Android API, getNetworkOperator
- ROM Name: from the newly added property ""
- ROM version: from the newly added property "ro.pacstats.version"
in addition to this data, the database has an extra 2 columns:
- First registration date: the first time the device registered on the server
- Last check-in date: the last time the device (with same device hash) checked in, to remove inactive devices after 90 days