1.0 Beta 11 for 1.20.1
Version 1.0 Beta 11
This is a BETA release of Vice! Please expect bugs and report them in the Discord server, cheers.
A full changelog, including full technical details, can be viewed here.
+ Added Trash Protection - Oxyopiia
+ Added /viceprotectitem to prevent trashing any item - Oxyopiia
+ Added timers for the Forge - Derpy666
+ Made Boss Counter display only in Boss Areas by default - Oxyopiia
= There is an option to revert this change.
+ Improved the HUD Editor - Oxyopiia
= Added a background gradient, double-click functionality, and element filtering
= Loads of small improvements and bugfixes
+ Adjusted the Train Timer - Oxyopiia
- Removed Evan Solver - Oxyopiia
Bug Fixes
= Fixed bad Virtuasword ability detection - Oxyopiia
= Fixed hidden elements being editable in the Hud Manager - Oxyopiia
= Fixed elements not rendering after being toggled off and on - Oxyopiia
= Fixed incorrect preview color for Power Box Timer - Oxyopiia
= Fixed Power Box Timer still showing after switching worlds - Oxyopiia
= Fixed incorrect centering on HUD elements with bold text - Oxyopiia
Technical Changes
= Added onceSent() to ViceEvent
= Added CommandRegisterEvent, SlotClickEvent and ChestRenderEvent
= Separated some Utils into DurationUtils and NumberUtils
= Refactored BossBarEvent to support modification and insertion
= Moved some overlays to /features/hud/
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
Use /vice to configure mod settings!