- Movie API: [localhost:8000/api/movies/]
- Movie List: [localhost:8000/movies/]
- Docs: [localhost:8000/docs/]
- Admin: [localhost:8000/admin/]
- ReDoc: [localhost:8000/redoc/]
The development environment can be managed either locally via pipenv or using docker and docker-compose.
# build (usually, requires to build when changes happen to the Dockerfile or docker-compose.yml)
$ make build
# start all services and dependencies
$ make up
# down and remove all services
$ make rm
# restart (removes all services and restart them -- without rebuilding)
$ make restart
# list services running/active services
$ make ps
# open bash console in the app service
$ make bash
# Run pre-commit to project base and apply formatting.
$ make lint
# run unit testing
$ make test