This repository hosts the PDF files of my presentations at different National and International conferences. You can also find my (fairly) updated [CV](cv/Epifania-CV - Copy.pdf) and my PhD thesis.
I am a proud member of the Core Team of Psicostat and you should definitely check it out :)
- AIP 2024
- Giornata "Prospettive interdisciplinari nella misura di competenze e capacità linguistiche in età scolare", Padova (IT): Perché non generare test e questionari open… dal principio? Some examples
- Giornata "La psicometria tra oggi e domani: Sfide e nuovi orizzonti", Florence (IT): L'importanza di essere significante
- Computational and Methodological Statistics Conference 2023, Berlin (DE): When randomness opens new possibilities: Acknowledging the stimulus sampling variability in Experimental Psychology
- Meeting of the European Group of Mathematical Psychology 2023, Amsterdam (NL): matriKS: An R package for rule-based automatic generation of Raven-like matrices
- Meeting of the Association of Applied Statistics (ASA) 2023, Bologna (IT): Cut it short: A new item response theory-based approach for shortening tests
- AIP2023, Lucca:
AIP 2020, Padova:
Meeting of the European Group of Mathematical Psychology 2023, Rovereto (IT): Pauci sed boni: New Item Response Theory-based procedures for shortening tests
- AIP 2021, Lecce-Ibrido 2021 (IT):
- Shiny demo @ eRum2020 (Online): Scoring the Implicit Association Test has never been easier: DscoreApp
- Poster Presentation at the useR! Conference (Online): Slides, Poster, Presentation
- AIP 2020, Online: Non separare dopo quello che hai somministrato insieme prima: Un approccio misto per l'analisi congiunta delle misure implicite
- Cognitive Science Arena (CSA), Bressanone-Brixen (IT): Filling the gap between implicit and behavior: A Rasch modeling of the Implicit Association Test Third position as best presentation
- AIP 2019, Milano San Raffaele (IT): DscoreApp: Una Shiny Web application per il calcolo del D score
- Meeting of the European Meeting of the Mathematical Psychology Group 2018, Genova (IT): Rasch gone mixed: A mixed model approach the Implicit Association Test Responses