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pwci 📢

a Php Web Chat Integrator

Uses Telegram for communication. You find more information about the api here

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  1. Make sure php is installed (preferably, version > 5.1)

  2. Create an folder, ex. /yourproject/pwci

  3. Download the code and place it in the folder you created
    You can do a git clone or download the zip and extract it in the folder

  4. Open a webbrowser and go to the folder (ex. http://YOURHOST/pwci)

  5. You follow the instructions on the page.
         (if you are not transfered to the admin page go to ex. http://YOURHOUST/pwci/admin.php)
         You will need your token-api of telegram to setup the chat

  6. After finishing the first time use page you are ready to use the chat

  7. You can include now in your project:

    require_once 'pwci/chat.php';
    $chat = new pwci();
    echo $chat->set_scripts();
    echo $chat->set_chat();
  8. Have a look at Recommended configurations.

Answer chat

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When somebody start a chat, you will receive it in your Telegram client. It will generate something like this:

  YOURBOTNAME, [20.07.17 18:03]
  deadd > Hello

Because multiple persons can chat with you at once you have to define the user name so that it can deliver to the correct chat user:

  deadd: Hi how can I help
!!!It's really important that you include the username: to reply otherwise the chatuser will not receive it!!!

You can now also send a picture to the chat user -> send it as image and include in the caption. Again use the username: unimported message      Without the caption it will never be delivered to the chat user

Recommended configurations

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  1. Creating a chat system is just calling the class new pwci(), but defining some options makes it more personal:

    $options = array(
      "spaceshead" => "SPACES for you header-code",
      "spacesbody" => "SPACES for the body-code",
      "location" => $deeperlocation."/pwci/",
      "chatheight" => "50%",
      "initmessage" => "Welcome messages that appears after some seconds",
      "inputmessage" => "input field message: ex. Type a message",
      "chattitle" => "Chat title",
      "faceleft" => "location/of/an/image/as/your/responseface.png"
    $chat = new pwci($options);
  2. If you don't want to include the chat on every page except if a chatsession has been started, then you can use this function:

      $chat->is_chatsession (); //It will return an answer if it exist or not. so you can make it visible on every page of only on the page you want until somebody start a chat

Custom configurations

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These are all possible configurations:

  spaceshead       <- Put the amount of spaces so that it align with html code in the header
  spacesbody       <- Put the amount of spaces so that it align with html code in the body
  location         <- define where the pwci folder is
  debug            <- you can enable logging, default false
  initmessage      <- default message that appears after some seconds to invite the user to chat
  chattitle        <- The title of the chat window, default "Php Web Chat"
  infotooltip      <- Text of the tooltip when hovering the response-image
  inputmessage     <- the message where the chat person can type something, default "Type a message..."
  faceleft         <- picture location that will be used for the response of you, default "images/people.png"
  faceright        <- picture location of the chat person, default "images/people.png"
  chatwidth        <- width of the chat window, px/%/em can be used, default "24.3em"
  chatlocation     <- location of the chat window, left/center/right are possible, default "right"
  chatheight       <- height of the chat window, px/%/em can be used, default "27em"
  chatfull         <- chat will be over the complete window, this overrules height and width, default false
  jquery           <- if in your html is already an include of jquery then set this on true and the build in jquery won't be used. default false
  angular          <- if in your html is already an include of angular then set this to true and the build in angular won't be used. default false
  angularanimation <- if in your html is already an include of angularanimation then set this to true and the build in angularanimation won't be used. default false
  angularsantize   <- if in your html is already an include of angularsantize then set this to true and the build in angularsantize won't be used. default false
  lodash           <- if in your html is already an include of lodash then set this to true and the build in lodash won't be used. default false
  ngemoticons      <- if in your html is already an include of ngemoticons then set this to true and the build in ngemoticons won't be used. default false

all these options can be set when you initialize, but it can also be done after with the function $chat->setConfig(OPTION, VALUE):

$chat->setConfig("jquery", true); //this will disable jquery and use the already implemented version.

If you want do more with the options you can also request the options $chat->getConfig(OPTION):

$chat->getConfig("jquery"); //this will give the value of the option jquery.


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Want to reconfigure or uninstall the chat system? No issues. Go to the follow url:


  you need your token (looks like 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11) and hit the "Reset config".
  REMARK: this can't be undone!


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Your contributions are always welcome!

Please check the issues or create one if it doesn't exist yet.

Do you have a remark, let me know. If we share the same vision and time is on my side, it will be implemented.

Examples will be included in the future but try it first yourself, who knows you can get it working yourself


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The MIT License (MIT) 2017 - OR. Please have a look at the LICENSE for more details.