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This is a material for a workshop made for OpenTechSchool Brussels. Better description will come when I'll take a bit of time on what to add actually here. In any case, you can already enjoy the workshop! Thank github pages :D
- Create a log about music visualisation
- Check if part on Twitter is worth the hassle of making it work.
- Check if you can't do instead of Twitter something coming from an HTML page.
- Talk about RegExp.
- recheck usage of "strokeWeight", creates problem later on with the workshop....
- get a real part about usage of color (a section?) find a good data set and kind of data to explore
- Create little game data set where some specific information needs to be got (like one value is very different, we have two clusters, ...) and ask what this info is. Should be hard to see by the numbers, but easy to tell by finding a good visualisation.
- One more log: Graphs & Networks (Wikipedia nodes?)
- One more log (or part): RSS feeds. Inspiration: http://btk.tillnagel.com/tutorials/rss-feeds-processing.html