Endpoint | Description |
/getAdditionalData |
Returns additional data objects based on either a wikidataID or a documentID |
Parameter | Required | Possible Values |
type |
yes | see 2. Data Types |
language |
yes | Language Shortcode, see SHORTCODES |
wikidataID |
no | |
documentID |
no | |
parliament |
no | Parliament Shortcode to route parliament specific cases, see SHORTCODES |
Responses MUST include the following properties for any request (GET and POST):
"meta": {
"api": {
"version": "1.0",
"documentation": "https://example.com",
"license": {
"label": "ODC Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0",
"link": "https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/"
"requestStatus": "success" // OR "error"
"data": [], // {} OR []
"errors": [], // EITHER "data" OR "errors"
"links": {
"self": "https://example.com/getAdditionalData?type=person&language=de&wikidataID=Q567" // request URL
Successful requests MUST include the following properties:
"meta": {
"api": {
"version": "1.0",
"documentation": "https://example.com",
"license": {
"label": "ODC Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0",
"link": "https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/"
"requestStatus": "success"
"data": {},
"links": {
"self": "https://example.com/getAdditionalData?type=person&language=de&wikidataID=Q567" // request URL
Errors MUST include the following properties:
"meta": {
"api": {
"version": "1.0",
"documentation": "https://example.com",
"license": {
"label": "ODC Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0",
"link": "https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/"
"requestStatus": "error"
"errors": [
"meta": {
"domSelector": "" // optional
"status": "422", // HTTP Status
"code": "4",
"title": "Invalid Attribute",
"detail": "wikidataID must contain at least three characters."
"links": {
"self": "https://example.com/getAdditionalData?type=person&language=de&wikidataID=Q5" // request URL
status | code | text |
success |
1 | Entity or document successfully found. |
error |
2 | No entity or document found. |
error |
3 | Parameters missing |
For more info on the data object, see 3. Data Items
Type | Description | Example |
memberOfParliament |
special case for members of a given parliament (in which we also have to derive the party and faction membership) | Angela Merkel |
person |
any other person | Joe Biden |
organisation |
any organisation (broadly defined as body in which a group of people organise themselves) | parties (SPD), factions (Bundestagsfraktion DIE LINKE), NGOs (Greenpeace, Sea Watch), companies (Biontech), initiatives (Fridays for Future), international organisations (WTO, UN), official bodies (EU Parliament, European Commission), legislative bodies (Bundesverfassungsgericht, Supreme Court) |
legalDocument |
laws and legislative texts | Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz, AGG, Grundgesetz |
officialDocument |
parliament specific documents | Drucksache 19/2, § 1 Absatz 3 der Geschäftsordnung |
term |
anything else which is not a person, organisation or document | Netzpolitik, Digitalpolitik, Richtlinienkompetenz, Subsidiaritätsprinzip, Europäischer Stabilitätsmechanismus, ESM, Entschliessungsantrag, Breitbandausbau, Operation MINUSMA |
Still to be defined: PLACES
More info on Wikidata Property Mappings can be found here: An example implementation for extracting the image attribution and license from Wikimedia Commons can be found here.
These fields will be returned for any data item.
Field | Type | Description | Examples |
type |
String | see 2. Data Types | memberOfParliament |
id |
String | <Wikidata ID> | Q567 |
label |
String | <Wikidata Label> | Angela Merkel |
labelAlternative |
Array | Wikidata Property "short name" or "aliases" | UN |
abstract |
String | Text Abstract from Wikipedia via MediaWiki API | Bundeskanzlerin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit 2005 |
thumbnailURI |
String | Wikidata Property "image" or "logo image" (P18 or P154) | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/Angela_Merkel._Tallinn_Digital_Summit.jpg/174px-Angela_Merkel._Tallinn_Digital_Summit.jpg |
thumbnailCreator |
String | Thumbnail Creator / Author / Attribution via Wikimedia Commons | EU2017EE Estonian Presidency |
thumbnailLicense |
String | Thumbnail License via Wikimedia Commons | CC-BY 2.0 Generic |
websiteURI |
String | Wikidata Property "official website" (P856) | https://www.un.org/ |
String | URI to be used for embedding inside the platform pages (eg. media details) | https://embed.abgeordnetenwatch.de/profile/angela-merkel |
socialMediaIDs |
Array | Wikidata Properties for social media handles "??" | [{"label": "Instagram", "id": "bundeskanzlerin"}] |
additionalInformation |
Object | eg. Wikidata Property "abgeordnetenwatch.de politician ID" (P5355) | {"abgeordnetenwatchID": "7643642"} |
These fields can be returned in addition to Generic Data Fields.
Type: memberOfParliament
Field | Type | Description | Examples |
birthDate |
String | Wikidata Property "date of birth" (P569) | 1954-07-17 |
party |
String | Wikidata Property "member of political party" (P102) | Q49762 |
faction |
String | Wikidata Property "member of the German Bundestag > parliamentary group" | Q1023134 |
gender |
String | Wikidata Property "sex or gender" (P21) | female |
firstName |
String | Wikidata Property "given name" (P735) | Angela |
lastName |
String | Wikidata Property "family name" (P734) | Merkel |
degree |
String | Wikidata Property "academic degree" (P512) | Dr. |
Type: person
Field | Type | Description | Examples |
birthDate |
String | Wikidata Property "date of birth" (P569) | 1960-01-26 |
gender |
String | Wikidata Property "sex or gender" (P21) | female |
firstName |
String | Wikidata Property "given name" (P735) | Inge |
lastName |
String | Wikidata Property "family name" (P734) | Deutschkron |
degree |
String | Wikidata Property "academic degree" (P512) | Dr. |