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OpenChamp is an attempt at an Open Source League of Legends competitor, post the Vanguard update.

The goal is to allow anyone anywhere to play, commit and enjoy the game however they'd like. The source code for the server and client will be hosted on github for all to enjoy!

This is in the very VERY early stages and will not be ready for some time, but I will push releases when progress is far enough to be enjoyed!

If you'd like to contribute or just hang around, I've created a Discord



To start working on this project you will need the godot editor. You can get the latest version from At the moment we use godot 4.3 without C# support.

In addition to that a gdextension is not part of the project. In order to run the game you either need to download the latest compiled version or compile the extension yourself.

When you pull, use git submodule update --init if you've already got a local copy, or git pull --recursive on a fresh pull to pull the assets from our default assets repository

Quick automatic setup

To quickly and automatically set up the project with all submodules and the latest extension version you can use the install script. You can do a full setup with the following commands:

git clone
cd client
python ./

The install script will init and pull all submodules. After that it will try to download the extension or compile it if the download fails.

Manually downloading the extension

The is distributed as part of the releases. In case the CI fails, you can also download it from the CI artifacts directly.

Simply extract the archive file to the bin directory and you are good to go.

Manually compiling the extension

The following tools are required to compile the extension:

  • cmake
  • ninja-build
  • python (This is a dependency of ninja so you should already have it.)
  • A C++ compiler (g++/cmake/msvc anything should work)
  • Recommended: ccache or sccache to speed up builds
  • Recommended: mold as a better linker (required on android native termux builds)

If you want to compile the code for a different CPU architecture you will also need docker.

Before you compile the code make sure you have initialized the submodule. You can use git submodule update --init --recursive to set them up.

To compile the code you can simply run the following command in the root of the project:

python ./utility_scripts/

This works on every operating system and also installs the built file to the bin dir. If you want to see all the available options just use the --help command line option.

Running the game

All of the default assets are in the default_assets submodule. If you set up all the submodules most of the data should already be present. The only thing that needs to be done after each update is generating the manifest files. This can be done with the following command:

python ./default_assets/

Additional/overwritten asset packs

It is possible to have additional asset packs or override data of existing ones. To do this you need asset packs in the user dir.

The packs have to be placed in user://external/ That is the directory where the assets repository has to be cloned to. You could also create a new directory there and extract the contents of the latest release there. This will result in user://external/default_assets/OpenChamp/...

The user prefix is in the following location:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Godot\app_userdata\OpenChamp
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Godot/app_userdata/OpenChamp
  • Linux: ~/.local/share/godot/app_userdata/OpenChamp

Reimporting the assets

To reimport the assets close godot, run find . -name \*.import -delete in the project dir (linux, mac, msys2, wsl) and then open godot again. This makes sure the assets are in the default state that will also be the one that is used for game exports.

Local testing

On Linux system you can use act to run the Linux amd64 parts of the CI on your machine. To do that use the following commands:

# Setting up the act artifact server (one time only)
mkdir -p $HOME/.act
echo "--artifact-server-path $HOME/.act" >> $HOME/.actrc

# Actually running the workflow
gh extension exec act workflow_call -W '.github/workflows/compile_and_export.yaml' -e .github/act_compile_and_export.json -s GITHUB_TOKEN="$(gh auth token)"


Contributions are always welcome!

See for basic guidelines.