With the rise of NFTs, creators and collectors face the challenge of fragmentation. XDC Minter uses AI to generate images and other metadata for NFTs. Our dApp accepts both positive and negative prompts from users and generates images and metadata accordingly. A negative prompt refers to the things you don't want in the image and metadata. Using the XDC Blockchain, known for its scalability and high TPS of 2000+, users can experience performance similar to web2 while enjoying the benefits of web3. Our dApp is currently deployed on the XDC Mainnet, and due to the very low gas fees, we feel like we have deployed this on testnet.
The inspiration for XDC Minter came from the increasing popularity of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and AI GENERATED Images. We recognized the need for a solution that would streamline the process of minting and generating metadata and images using AI, making it more accessible and user-friendly.
XDC Minter is a platform that enables users to mint, own, and generate NFT metadata using AI. This involves features for generating prompt-based AI-driven NFTs, setting resolution preferences, uploading NFT metadata to IPFS, and finally minting it in the XDC Mainnet.
We built XDC Minter using a combination of tools, technologies, and APIs. We integrated OpenJourney (i.e., the Stable Diffusion model trained on MidJourney images) for AI image generation and utilized the Replicate API for hosting. The platform connects to users' wallets, such as Metamask, to facilitate the minting and deployment of NFTs. Subsequently, the generated image is hosted on Thirdweb Storage. Additionally, we implemented IPFS for the secure storage of NFT metadata. Finally, we developed smart contracts to facilitate deployment on the XDC Mainnet.
During the development of XDC Minter, we encountered several challenges. One significant challenge was ensuring that we were generating correct metadata and images of NFTs through different AI tools. Additionally, optimizing gas fees for transactions across various chains proved to be a complex task.
One major achievement is successfully deploying a smart contract on the XDC Mainnet. This success is greatly due to the excellent documentation provided by the XDC Team. We've also created a user-friendly interface for generating AI-based NFTs and managing preferences. Additionally, hosting images on Thirdweb storage and NFT metadata on IPFS ensures secure and decentralized storage.
Throughout the development of XDC Minter, we have gained valuable insights into the complexities of integrating NFTs with AI. We have also deepened our understanding of AI image generation using OpenJourney and the utilization of blockchain technologies for minting NFTs.