TurtleRP has an issue that causes the game to freeze frequently. This is caused by the addon generating an extreme amount of memory garbage, triggering more garbage collections, which will freeze the game for its duration. It also uses a lot of CPU, reducing average framerate. This fork addresses these issues, likely reducing resource usage by 99%+, while preserving all the functionality of the addon.
An RP addon custom-made for Vanilla WoW.
For more information, visit https://tempranova.github.io/turtlerp/.
To archive from source code, use git archive --output=TurtleRP-<v>.zip --prefix=TurtleRP/ HEAD
- RP style tab forced to right (PFuI)
- If you have Profile open, and a description comes back in the chat, it'll obscure the profile
Minor Bugs
- Color pick is sometimes connected to other color picker instances
- Not disabled in BGs
- Custom colors for emotes get overwritten
- Slight adjustment in PvP text padding/spacing when icon added while PvP enabled
Next Up
- Directory, when ordered, now snaps user back to the top of the scrollbar
- Descriptions should all be properly scrollable (probably even too long, now)
- Show player name in minimap hover if no full name is present
- Lua error from hovering on players on map solved
- Description tab should always show as active after being clicked
- Descriptions properly fetched when description open after directory click
- Directory layout and scroller
- Showing online/offline status
- Correcting issues with missing line breaks in non-HTML descriptions (?)
- Ability to query mouseover (two second delay between requests required, possible bug as well)
- Can't show guild
- /ttrp dir or /ttrp directory opens directory
- New buttons added to the tray (directory, helm, cloak)
- Click on header columns to sort
- Type into bottom search to filter by full name or player name
- Selection between Zone and Character Name listing, both sortable
- Sending zone along with ping
- Find other RPers on a map when entering a zone (must be in the zone, updated every 30 sec)
- Permissions for sharing exact location with other players
- Improving chat error catching
- Confirmation required when sending any emote with odd "s (long or short form)
- Version tracker (chat message and note in admin panel)
- Resetting defaults on tooltip mouseovers (PFUI issue with sticking icon + font size)
- Revised Description window, more in line with WoW interface
- Description panel now Profile window, has Mouseover and Target information as well
- Ability to select and fetch in directory, delete in directory
- Clicking in directory opens new Profile window
- Personal notes now collected in Profile window
- Ability to set RP Style in Admin Profile RP Style tab
- RP style shows in Profile window
Beta fixes
- Removing any quotation verification from chat-line emote; only present on chat box emote verification
- Otherwise, chat line emotes are reset with every press so errors do not continue after typos
- No validation error should appear for other players anymore
- NOTE: if a link is included in the text, and you are using Shagu / PFUI, the text will be mis-formatted because Shagu adds a white color after a link
- Validation checking for "~", "°", or "§" in any saved text
- No longer possible to save characters above, so users should never see them in their own profile (requires a new save to validate, will not work if user already has these characters in the profile)
- "%" character now allowed in emotes
- Hiding map icons correctly when changing frames on world map
- TEST: possible error with characters on different continents, then moving back to your own continent, players misaligned on map
- Removed edges from Dark UI Description
- Titles on descriptions no longer replaced when new "Glances" open
- Data "sends" will now use "p" as the character name (just a placeholder for 'player'); using message sender instead, more reliable
- Mechanisms for cleaning directory (removing players with bad characters)
- Mechanism to delete single player from directory (manually remove characters as desired)
1.0.1 (not released)
- No more drunk texting
- TurtleRP_ChatBox now visible in RP mode
- Longer description
- Longer notes
1.0.0 same as 0.1.4
- Minor fix to highlighted icon when opening admin
- Storing script and redoing on world frame (focus clear)
- Prevent messages sending when under level 5, or when AFK
- Fix to scrolling description frame
- Fix to target and wrong name appearing when message sent in chat bug
- Name fields combined into one
- Custom class color
- Custom class
- Custom race
- Improved communication to allow multiple message chaining in the future for all fields
- New field limits for mouseover responses:
- Full name : 50
- IC and OOC info: 75 each
- Pronouns: 10 each
- Class : 15
- Race : 20
- Class color : 6
- Icon : 4 (internal)
- IC/OOC : 1
- Internal: Prefix 3, name 12, key 5, delimiter 10 (?)
- TOTAL MAX : just under 300 . Lots of room for more'
- New comms system should allow full lengths on At A Glance descriptions
- Changed IC/OOC from "on" vs "off" to 0 vs 1
- Change delimiter to ~ instead of && (fewer characters) -- breaking change, old versions and new versions can't communicate
- Change validator to prevent use of ~ in saved text
- When minimap icon dragged, no longer pops admin panel
- Pipe character (|), when first character of an emote, will remove the character name from the emote text
- Icon Tray
- Moveable by drag
- RP button on/off
- IC button on/off
- /c chatbox opener
- Admin button opener
- Chatbox v1
- click in box/out for focus management
- Selection of Yell, Emote, Say
- Emote never uses username
- Quotation color retained on long form quotes broken by multiple lines
- Special emote chat now showing on all frames with SAY
- Text clears after sending
- Setting to change size of name
- Minimap icon size options
- Open to show/hide tray
- Fix icon placement on PFUI spellbook
- Changing /c to dialog icon
- Removed extra space added to front of | emote (space still required
- Setting to hide/show minimap icon
- Icon for TurtleRP switched to mini turtle
- Issue with item comparison fixed PFUI
- // Description box should no longer get cut off
- // Emotes now show "Quotations in White"
- // When a player is ??, tooltip shows -1
- // Improved pinging system
- // More legit resetting of font sizes in tooltip
- // Integrated with Shagu darkmode
- // Guild rank integrated into tooltip
- // Tooltip layout integrated with PFUI
- // Target removed when targetting a player after targetting self
- // Showing version number in ? section 0.1.1
- // New Spellbook UI
- // Implementing a Test channel for future dev changes
- // Not allowing "&&" characters in any saved text
- // Better validation on recieving data
- // Adding discord link to the About section
- // Having a "clear cache" button or something
- // Manually rejoining channel issue
- // Filter icon bug when scrolled fast to end
- // Tooltip ALL lines need resetting (ie, lines 4-5-6)
- // Tooltip "already equipped" issue of not disappearing
- // Some more validation on chat messages
- // 30s ping and announcement system to prevent chat spam
- // Proper chat throttling via ChatThrottleLib
- // Refactor into components and scripts, using XML more effectively
- // "RP Mode" like IRP, turning off all frames except chat
- // 1000+ character descriptions getting cut off in scrollbar
- // Fix with wrong icons being selected when filtering
- // Refactoring tooltip generation to be robust
- // Tooltips are missing health bar underneath
- // Adding a "notes" section
- // Limiting description to 2000 characters
- // Adding a text input for quickly searching through icons
- // Adding icon to the frame
- // Changing icon on website to Turtle icon, adding link to the Discord
- // Testing channel being joined properly
- // Fixing sometime disappearance of tooltip
- // description autopops when clicked by another
- // adding pronouns and adding that beside the IC / OOC
- // Passing through HTML for the Description