Given a list of customers, their transaction history, and a segmentation period, split the customers into 4 segments: Active, Inactive, New and Undefined.
This project is built using sbt . It can be imported in an IDE as a sbt project. The language used is scala. Make sure to add scala support in the IDE when importing.
You can compile and test with sbt cli using: sbt test
This exercise uses Spark to compute the different segments. All dependencies are handled by sbt and should be resolved without any problem.
- endDate: after this date, transactions are not taken into account.
- segmentation Period (P): period of time ending at endDate, defined by the number of days in the period
- Activity Segments:
- ACTIVE: the customer have transactions before P and one or more transactions in P
- INACTIVE: the customer have transactions before P but no transactions in P
- NEW: the first transaction for the customer is in P
- UNDEFINED: The customer has no transactions before the end date
The main method expects 4 parameters:
- dataPath: this should be
- outputDir
- endDate: yyyy-MM-dd
- segmentationPeriod
- When running the job from an IDE, make sure you include the "provided" dependencies in the classpath.
- To run using command line, start sbt shell then execute
run <param> <param> ...
You need to implement the methods in src/main/scala/co/ogury/segmentation/SegmentationJob.scala
to do the following:
- load the transactions and customers from the data directory using spark.
- compute the corresponding segment for each customer.
- save the customerId,segment couples as a csv file.
- example output:
- We have provided a unit tests for 2 segmentation cases. We recommend that you implement the remaining cases in
in order to validate you work. - run the job with endDate = 2017-12-31 and segmentationPeriod = 365
- commit your changes.
- Add the whole project files and results to an archive and send it by email.