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siopow edited this page Oct 30, 2017 · 5 revisions

#Office ProPlus Branch Downloader

This script will allow you to directly download Office ProPlus 2016 channels to a single location.

For more information on Office ProPlus Branches go to

###Branch Management

Office 365 ProPlus (2016) introduced the concept of Channels with allows for greater control over the update process. Most companies will likely have a mix of Channels that they will use. Managing updates sources for each channel can be administrative burden. This script will allow you to easily download the latest build for each channel with a single operation.


  1. Open PowerShell as an administrator.

       From the Run dialog type PowerShell, right click it and choose Run as Administrator
  2. Change the directory to the location where the PowerShell Script is saved. Example: cd C:\PowerShellScripts

  3. Dot-Source the script to gain access to the functions inside.

        Type: . .\Download-OfficeProPlusChannels.ps1
        By including the additional period before the relative script path you are 'Dot-Sourcing' 
        the PowerShell function in the script into your PowerShell session which will allow you to 
        run the inner functions from the console.
  4. Run the Download-OfficeProPlusBranch cmdlet and specify the paramaters, -TargetDirectory

       Download-OfficeProPlusChannels -TargetDirectory C:\UpdateSource
