Python package for Bayesian sparse regression, implementing the standard (Polya-Gamma augmented) Gibbs sampler as well as the CG-accelerated sampler of Nishimura and Suchard (2022). The latter algorithm can be orders of magnitudes faster for a large and sparse design matrix.
pip install bayesbridge
The Bayesian bridge is based on the following prior on the regression coefficients \beta_j's:
The Bayesian bridge recovers the the Bayesian lasso when \alpha = 1 but can provide an improved separation of the significant coefficients from the rest when \alpha < 1.
from bayesbridge import BayesBridge, RegressionModel, RegressionCoefPrior
model = RegressionModel(y, X, family='logit')
prior = RegressionCoefPrior(bridge_exponent=.5)
bridge = BayesBridge(model, prior)
samples, mcmc_info = bridge.gibbs(
n_burnin=100, n_post_burnin=1000, thin=1,
coef_sampler_type='cholesky' # Try 'cg' for large and sparse X
coef_samples = samples['coef']
where y is a 1-D numpy array and X is a 2-D numpy array or scipy sparse matrix.
Currently the linear and logistic model (binomial outcomes) are supported. See demo.ipynb for demonstration of further features.
If you find this package useful, please consider citing:
Akihiko Nishimura and Marc A. Suchard (2022). Prior-preconditioned conjugate gradient method for accelerated Gibbs sampling in "large n, large p" Bayesian sparse regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association.
Akihiko Nishimura and Marc A. Suchard (2022). Shrinkage with shrunken shoulders: Gibbs sampling shrinkage model posteriors with guaranteed convergence rates. Bayesian Analysis.