Python package that loads data from Minecraft: Bedrock Edition packs into SQLite database.
If you're looking for documentation please visit:
pip install sqlite-bedrock-packs
Added new tables:
- FeatureFile
- Feature
- FeaturePlacesFeatureField
- FeaturePlacesFeatureFieldValue
- FeatureFeaturetypeEnum
- FeatureRuleFile
- FeatureRule
Better type hints.
Added new tables for behavior pack blocks and terrain textures:
- BpBlockFile
- BpBlock
- BpBlockLootField
- BpBlockGeometryField
- BpBlockMaterialInstancesField
- BpBlockMaterialInstancesFieldInstance
- TerrainTextureFile
- TerrainTexture
- TerrainTextureVariation
Fixed invalid caching and extended the annotations:
- The table properties used to always return the values from the first row of the table that run 'query_result' function
- The annotation for creating table classes was mostly rewritten with a custom solution that doesn't use 'namedtuple' anymore (it shouldn't be noticable from user perspective).
- Added 'build_query' to annotations
Removed from the code the use of an unsupported on Python 3.9 TypeVarTupl type annotation.
Removed the EasyQuery object and relpaced it with functions:
- build_easy_query
- yield_from_easy_query
- yield_from_any_query
The functions are properly annotated so their results don't requrie casting to the wrapper classes anymore.
Changed the minimal supported version of Python from 3.10 to 3.9
Added new tables for storing the information about relations of entity spawn eggs and their presence in loot tables and the trade tables:
- LootTableItemSpawnEggReferenceField
- TradeTableItemSpawnEggReferenceField
- EntitySpawnEggField
Restructured the project to be more object oriented, added EasyQuery object.
- Added new tables:
- BpAnimation
- BpAnimationController
- BpAnimationControllerFile
- BpAnimationFile
- BpItem
- BpItemFile
- BpItemParserVersionEnum
- EntityLootField
- EntityLootFieldComponentTypeEnum
- EntityTradeField
- EntityTradeFieldComponentTypeEnum
- LootTable
- LootTableFile
- LootTableItemField
- LootTableLootTableField
- RpItem
- RpItemFile
- TradeTable
- TradeTableFile
- TradeTableItemField
- Added new fields to the entity
- LootTable
- TradeTable
Fixed crashes caused by missing client_entity identifier.
- Added new tables:
- BehaviorPack
- Entity
- EntityFile
- SoundDefinition
- SoundDefinitionSoundField
- SoundDefinitionsFile
- SoundFile
- Added type annotations and py.typed file.
- renamed better_json module to better_json_tools
- Supported objects:
- Attachable
- AttachableAnimationControllerField
- AttachableAnimationField
- AttachableFile
- AttachableGeometryField
- AttachableItemField
- AttachableMaterialField
- AttachableRenderControllerField
- AttachableTextureField
- ClientEntity
- ClientEntityAnimationControllerField
- ClientEntityAnimationField
- ClientEntityFile
- ClientEntityGeometryField
- ClientEntityMaterialField
- ClientEntityRenderControllerField
- ClientEntityTextureField
- Geometry
- GeometryFile
- Particle
- ParticleFile
- RenderController
- RenderControllerFile
- RenderControllerGeometryField
- RenderControllerMaterialsField
- RenderControllerTexturesField
- ResourcePack
- RpAnimation
- RpAnimationController
- RpAnimationControllerFile
- RpAnimationControllerParticleEffect
- RpAnimationControllerSoundEffect
- RpAnimationFile
- RpAnimationParticleEffect
- RpAnimationSoundEffect
- TextureFile
No changelog for releases before PyPI