Version 1.0.1 for Nucleus 0.24+ and PlaceholderAPI 3.5+
If you're running Nucleus and PlaceholderAPI, this allows you to use PlaceholderAPI placeholders in Nucleus, and Nucleus placeholders in PlaceholderAPI.
This is a utility plugin. There is no need to install this if you don't use PlaceholderAPI or Nucleus.
Using PlaceholderAPI placeholders in Nucleus.
Anywhere you use tokens (like {{name}}
) in Nucleus, you can use a PlaceholderAPI token. The delimiter for a PlaceholderAPI token is {%[token]%}
, NOT % %
. So, to use the %player%
token from PlaceholderAPI in Nucleus, you would use {%player%}
Using Nucleus tokens in PlaceholderAPI
To use a Nucleus token in PlaceholderAPI enabled texts, simply prefix the Nucleus token name with nucleus_
. So, this means that for {{displayname}}
in Nucleus, you would use %nucleus_displayname%
in PlaceholderAPI. You can also access other plugin tokens from Nucleus in the API, the form would be %nucleus_pl:pluginid:id%