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Improvement Requests for Board Layout

Brian Glod edited this page Oct 29, 2018 · 4 revisions

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bladeRF 2.0 micro (xA4 / xA9)



bladeRF Classic (x40 / x115)


  • The order of the LEDs is incorrect. From left-to-right, they are actually: LED2, LED1, LED3. (The locations of LED1 (D11) and LED2 (D12) need to be swapped so the silkscreen labels read correctly).


  • Add jumper to force FX3 into built-in bootloader (workaround)
  • Provide access to SPI flash through a header directly. The MOSI and MISO are already brought out via the UART header. Adding the CS and SCLK would allow direct programming of the FX3 SPI flash.
  • FX3 debug LED is not very bright
  • Align GPIF0-7 with DATA0-7. Currently parallel programming of the FPGA via the FX3 required a weird mask translation.
  • Add plugin style board to product line with switchable band pass filters for higher ham bands (70cm/23cm/33cm/13cm) similar to the filters on the XB-200.
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