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Added Ethereal Cards Component
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Noxitu committed Jan 21, 2024
1 parent 2e81f8c commit 8d56fe7
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Showing 64 changed files with 768 additions and 305 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
from noxpack import mcfunction
from .validate_deck import _ as validate_deck
from .validate_deck import remove_redstone

def _():
pos = "-568 114 1980"
command = f"function {validate_deck}"

yield f"""
execute unless loaded {pos}
run schedule function {_} 16s replace

yield f"setblock {pos} minecraft:glass"
yield f"""setblock {pos} minecraft:command_block{{Command: "{command}"}}"""
yield from remove_redstone()
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
from noxpack import mcfunction
import data

STORAGE = "storage do2:deck_validation"
TAG_CARD_MARKER = "do2.tags.deck_validation.card_marker"
TAG_TMP = "do2.tags.deck_validation.tmp"
TMP_LOCATION = "-562 114 1983"

SCOREBOARD = "do2.deck_validation"
SCOREBOARD_COUNT = "do2.deck_validation.count"
SCOREBOARD_LIMIT = "do2.deck_validation.limit"

TELLRAW_PREFIX = "execute positioned -558 113 1980 run tellraw @a[distance=..8]"


def _fill_stats():
yield f"scoreboard players reset * {SCOREBOARD}"

stats = {
"$deck_size": "",
"$ethereal": "ethereal: true",
"$permanent": "permanent: true",
"$rarity_common": 'rarity: "common"',
"$rarity_uncommon": 'rarity: "uncommon"',
"$rarity_rare": 'rarity: "rare"',
"$rarity_shop": 'rarity: "shop"',

for title, selector in stats.items():
yield f"scoreboard players set {title} {SCOREBOARD} 0"
if selector:
selector = f",nbt={{data:{{{selector}}}}}"

yield f"""
execute as @e[tag={TAG_CARD_MARKER}{selector}]
run scoreboard players operation

def _():
yield f"""{TELLRAW_PREFIX} "Starting Deck Validation..." """

yield f"scoreboard objectives add {SCOREBOARD} dummy"
yield f"scoreboard objectives add {SCOREBOARD_COUNT} dummy"
yield f"scoreboard objectives add {SCOREBOARD_LIMIT} dummy"
yield f"scoreboard objectives add {SCOREBOARD_ID} dummy"
yield f"scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar {SCOREBOARD}"

yield f"""data modify {STORAGE} Deck
set from block -565 114 1980 Items

yield f"kill @e[tag={TAG_CARD_MARKER}]"

yield f"function #do2:deck_validation/summon_card_markers"

yield f"""
execute as @e[tag={TAG_CARD_MARKER}]
store result score @s {SCOREBOARD_ID}
run data get entity @s

yield f"""
execute as @e[tag={TAG_CARD_MARKER}]
store result score @s {SCOREBOARD_LIMIT}
run data get entity @s data.limit

yield f"function #do2:deck_validation/add_card_ids"

yield f"data modify {STORAGE} ValidationStatus set value {{Valid: true}}"

yield f"function {check_first_item}"

yield f"""
execute as @e[tag={TAG_CARD_MARKER}]
run function {report_too_many_cards}

yield from _fill_stats()

yield f"""
execute unless score $deck_size {SCOREBOARD} matches ..{DECK_LIMIT}
run function {report_too_large_deck}

yield f"kill @e[tag={TAG_CARD_MARKER}]"

yield f"""{TELLRAW_PREFIX} "Finished Deck Validation." """

yield f"execute if data {STORAGE} ValidationStatus{{Valid: true}} run function {handle_valid_deck}"
yield f"execute if data {STORAGE} ValidationStatus{{Valid: false}} run function {handle_invalid_deck}"

def summon_card_markers():
for card_name, card_info in data.CARD_INFO.items():
escaped_name = card_name.replace("'", "\\'")

yield f"""summon minecraft:marker {TMP_LOCATION} {{
CustomName: '"{escaped_name}"',
Tags: ["{TAG_CARD_MARKER}"],
data: {{
id: {card_info["id"]},
limit: {card_info["limit"]},
rarity: "{card_info["rarity"]}",
permanent: {"true" if card_info["permanent"] else "false"},
ethereal: {"true" if card_info["ethereal"] else "false"}

def add_card_ids():
for card_name, card_nbt in data.NBT.CARDS.items():
card_info = data.CARD_INFO[card_name]
model = card_nbt["tag"]["CustomModelData"]
display_name = card_nbt["tag"]["display"]["Name"].replace("'", "\\'")

selector = f"""Deck[{{
"id": "{card_nbt["id"]}",
"tag": {{
CustomModelData: {model},
display: {{
Name: '{display_name}'

yield f"""
execute if data {STORAGE} {selector}
run data modify {STORAGE} {selector}.CardId
set value {card_info["id"]}

def check_first_item():
yield f"execute unless data {STORAGE} Deck[0] run return 0"
yield f"execute unless data {STORAGE} Deck[0].CardId run function {report_invalid_item}"
yield f"execute if data {STORAGE} Deck[0].CardId run function {check_first_card}"
yield f"data remove {STORAGE} Deck[0]"
yield f"function {check_first_item}"

def check_first_card():
yield f"""
execute store result score $current_card_id {SCOREBOARD}
run data get {STORAGE} Deck[0].CardId

yield f"""
execute store result score $current_card_count {SCOREBOARD}
run data get {STORAGE} Deck[0].Count

yield f"""
execute as @e[tag={TAG_CARD_MARKER}]
if score @s {SCOREBOARD_ID} = $current_card_id {SCOREBOARD}
run scoreboard players operation
@s {SCOREBOARD_COUNT} += $current_card_count {SCOREBOARD}"""

def report_invalid_item():
yield f"data modify {STORAGE} ValidationStatus.Valid set value false"

tmp = f"@e[tag={TAG_TMP},limit=1]"
yield f"""summon minecraft:item {TMP_LOCATION} {{
Item: {{
"id": "minecraft:iron_nugget",
"Count": 1
Tags: ["{TAG_TMP}"]

yield f"""
data modify entity {tmp} Item
set from {STORAGE} Deck[0]

yield f"""
execute as {tmp}
run data modify entity @s CustomName
set from entity @s Item.tag.display.Name

yield f"""
{{"text": ""}},
{{"text": "[!]", "color": "red"}},
{{"text": " Deck contains invalid item: "}},
{{"selector": "{tmp}"}},
{{"text": "."}}

yield f"kill {tmp}"

def report_too_many_cards():
yield f"data modify {STORAGE} ValidationStatus.Valid set value false"

yield f"""
{{"text": ""}},
{{"text": "[!]", "color": "red"}},
{{"text": " Deck contains too many cards: "}},
{{"selector": "@s"}},
{{"text": ". ["}},
{{"score": {{"name": "@s","objective": "{SCOREBOARD_COUNT}"}} }},
{{"text": "/"}},
{{"score": {{"name": "@s","objective": "{SCOREBOARD_LIMIT}"}} }},
{{"text": "]"}}

def report_too_large_deck():
yield f"data modify {STORAGE} ValidationStatus.Valid set value false"

yield f"""
{{"text": ""}},
{{"text": "[!]", "color": "red"}},
{{"text": " Deck contains too many cards in total."}},
{{"text": " ["}},
{{"score": {{"name": "$deck_size","objective": "{SCOREBOARD}"}} }},
{{"text": "/{DECK_LIMIT}"}},
{{"text": "]"}}

def handle_valid_deck():
yield f"""{TELLRAW_PREFIX} {{"text": "Deck is valid.", "color": "#00ff00"}} """
yield f"""setblock -568 113 1980 minecraft:redstone_wire"""
yield f"""setblock -568 115 1980 minecraft:redstone_wire"""
yield f"""schedule function {remove_redstone} 5s replace"""

def handle_invalid_deck():
yield f"""{TELLRAW_PREFIX} {{"text": "Deck is invalid.", "color": "#ff0000"}} """
yield from remove_redstone()
yield f"""
execute positioned -558 113 1980
run playsound do2:halloween.failure master @a[distance=..8]
yield f"schedule function {uninstall_deck} 1s replace"

def remove_redstone():
yield f"""setblock -568 113 1980 minecraft:air"""
yield f"""setblock -568 115 1980 minecraft:air"""

def uninstall_deck():
yield f"setblock -565 117 1980 minecraft:redstone_block"
yield f"schedule function {uninstall_deck_reset} 12t replace"

def uninstall_deck_reset():
yield "setblock -565 117 1980 minecraft:air"
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
from noxpack import mcfunction
import data
from .util import cards, card_display_name, card_model

STORAGE = "storage do2:deck_validation"

def _():
for name in cards():
model = card_model(name)
display_name = card_display_name(name)
display_name = display_name.replace("'", "\\'")

card_info = data.CARD_INFO[name]

selector = f"""Deck[{{
"id": "minecraft:gold_nugget",
"tag": {{
CustomModelData: {model},
display: {{
Name: '{display_name}'

yield f"""
execute if data {STORAGE} {selector}
run data modify {STORAGE} {selector}.CardId
set value {card_info["id"]}
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
from noxpack import mcfunction
from .util import COLOR, ETHEREAL, cards, card_nbt

SHULKER_NAME = f"""{{"text": "{ETHEREAL} Ethereal Cards DLC {ETHEREAL}", "color": "{COLOR}"}}"""

def _():
items = []
for slot, name in enumerate(cards()):
items.append(card_nbt(name, count=64, slot=slot))

yield f"""give @a minecraft:yellow_shulker_box{{
BlockEntityTag: {{
Items: [{','.join(items)}]
display: {{

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