A simple parser for the KITTI Dataset. To select a sequence simply edit the sequence string in the 'parser.py' file.
- numpy
- yaml
- readImage(idx) : takes the index of the frame and returns the corresponding image in color and grayscale (for monocular vo)
- readImage_Stereo(idx) : takes the index of the frame and returns the stereo pairs in the following order "image_Left, grayImage_Left, image_Right, grayImage_Right"
- getCalibrationMatrix() : returns the calibration matrix, camera external rotation matrix, camera external translation vector, rotation around X, rotation around Y, rotation around Z, and eulerAngles. Check OpenCV's decomposeProjectionMatrix for more info.
- getRealPoses() : returns the ground truth poses.
- getScale() : return the ground truth scale moving from (idx-1) to (idx)