In this project we wrapped some functionality from the OptiTrack Camera SDK in Python code. So to say creating a Python API from a C++ API. We did this using Cython.
To run our code we recommend to first download and install the OptiTrack SDK. Then install the Microsoft visual C++ compiler package for python 2.7, then install Python 2.7.9 (we used 32bit) and add the following file adresses (or depending where you installed stuff) to the PATH variable:
C:\Program Files (x86)\OptiTrack\Camera SDK\lib;C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts\
Then open a console, write pip install cython and hit enter.
To import the wrapped functionality into python, simply cd into your camerapy folder, write python, hit enter, write import cam.native and hit enter.
After you changed code, cd into your camerapy folder, write python build_ext --inplace and hit enter (if you receive an error message about a dll missing, simply download that dll and copy it into the System32 folder).