streamlit_ttyd implements a terminal plugin for streamlit using the amazing ttyd project. As of now, only Linux like platforms are supported.
ttyd is MIT licenced which allows us to distribute the binaries as long as the associated licence is included. The ttyd licence is in ttyd_license file.
Please open an issue if you need support for windows or other platforms.
pip install streamlit-ttyd
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_ttyd import terminal
import time
st.text("Terminal showing processes running on your system using the top command")
# start the ttyd server and display the terminal on streamlit
ttydprocess, port = terminal(cmd="top")
# info on ttyd port
st.text(f"ttyd server is running on port : {port}")
# kill the ttyd server after a minute
Arguments for terminal()
- cmd: str -> the command to run
- readonly: bool -> readonly terminal (default -> False)
- host: str -> protocol://hostname where streamlit server is run (default -> http://localhost)
- port: int -> port number to run the ttyd server on (default -> 0, automatically picked in the range 5000-7000)
- exit_on_disconnect -> whether to kill ttyd server when web-terminal is disconnected (default -> True)
- height: int -> height in pixels which is passed to streamlit.component.v1.iframe (default -> 500)
- ttyd (optional): str -> user provided path to ttyd binary, if not provided, uses distributed binary