Julia CFD package based on the Immersed Boundary Projection Method (IBPM) from Taira & Colonius (2007), with multigrid method from Colonius & Taira (2008).
Oscillating plate at Reynolds number 200. See "Examples" folder for other example cases.
- Bodies: the bodies are a collection of boundary points at which the no-slip conditions are enforced, along with a Motion (currently only Static "motion" is supported). The
file also has utilities to make a couple of basic bodies (a cylinder and 4-digit NACA airfoils, for instance). - Model: the model is a structure to hold information about the domain - the grid, an array of bodies, pre-allocated working memory, and any matrices and operators that can be precomputed. In other words, everything short of the time discretization belongs to the Model
- Problem: Ideally this could interface with the DifferentialEquations.jl package eventually, so a "IBProblem" is defined in the same spirit as the "ODEProblem". This combines a Model with precomputed operators relevant for advancing the state.
- State: This is just a collection of pre-allocated arrays to store the vorticity, streamfunction, velocity flux, and body forces (including lift and drag). It also has storage for the "memory" of the multi-step scheme for the nonlinear terms.
Once a Problem and State are defined, the basic time-stepping is to just call advance!(state, prob, t)
. There are also some helpful functions in ibpm.jl
to run the full simulation, for instance to save a GIF of the solution.
Currently only rigid bodies have been implemented, although a single moving body can be simulated by moving the grid (a "body-fixed" reference frame, although the equations are in the inertial lab frame). The reference cases (see the benchmarks folder) match the Fortran implementation to within
The next plans include arbitrary motion (with a fixed grid), parallelization, and adding an FSI solver for flexible bodies.