This is a developing regional mom6 module help both preprocessing the data and perform various statistical analysis shown in Ross et al., 2023. Many scripts are the modified version of the GFDL CEFI github repository.
Current stage of the module is for estabilishing the processing workflow in the CEFI data portal. Future availability of a more sophisticated python pakcage for various end-user purposes is in the roadmap of this project.
We welcome external contribution to the package. Please feel free to submit issue for any inputs and joining the development core team. Thank you!
To use the module in the package at this stage
Create a conda/mamba env based on the region_mom.yml
conda env create -f regional_mom6.yml
Activate the conda env
conda activate regional_mom6
change your location to the top level of cloned repo
cd <dir_path_to_regional_mom6>/regional_mom6/
pip install the package in develop mode
pip install -e .
setup config file (data path for local data directory)
cp config.json.template config.json
open the
and input the absolute path to the top level of the regional mom6 data{ "data_path": "<your-mom6data-path-here>" }
current setup assuming the data directory structure is fixed (i.e. the historical run or forecast data subdirectory (ex: hist_run and forecast) need to be under this data_path )