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[ADD] for getting mean and std of multiple runs
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BenCretois committed Mar 19, 2024
1 parent df52251 commit 80a7c2c
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Showing 2 changed files with 299 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion evaluate/
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from datamodules.TestDCASEDataModule import DCASEDataModule, AudioDatasetDCASE

import pytorch_lightning as pl
pl.utilities.seed.seed_everything(0, workers=True)
#pl.utilities.seed.seed_everything(0, workers=True)

from callbacks.callbacks import MilestonesFinetuning

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298 changes: 298 additions & 0 deletions evaluate/evaluation_metrics/
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@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
import pandas as pd
import argparse
import os
import json
import numpy as np
import csv
import evaluate.evaluation_metrics.metrics as metrics
from datetime import datetime
import copy
from scipy import stats
import glob

MIN_EVAL_VALUE = 0.00001
MIN_IOU_TH = 0.3
PRED_FILE_HEADER = ["Audiofilename","Starttime","Endtime"]

def remove_shots_from_ref(ref_df, number_shots=5):

ref_pos_indexes = select_events_with_value(ref_df, value=POS_VALUE)
ref_n_shot_index = ref_pos_indexes[number_shots-1]
# remove all events (pos and UNK) that happen before this 5th event
events_to_drop = ref_df.index[ref_df['Endtime'] <= ref_df.iloc[ref_n_shot_index]['Endtime']].tolist()

return ref_df.drop(events_to_drop)

def select_events_with_value(data_frame, value=POS_VALUE):

indexes_list = data_frame.index[data_frame["Q"] == value].tolist()

return indexes_list

def build_matrix_from_selected_rows(data_frame, selected_indexes_list ):

matrix_data = np.ones((2, len(selected_indexes_list)))* -1
for n, idx in enumerate(selected_indexes_list):
matrix_data[0, n] = data_frame.loc[idx].Starttime # start time for event n
matrix_data[1, n] = data_frame.loc[idx].Endtime
return matrix_data

def compute_tp_fp_fn(pred_events_df, ref_events_df):
# inputs: dataframe with predicted events, dataframe with reference events and their value (POS, UNK, NEG)
# output: True positives, False Positives, False negatives counts and total number of pos events in ref.

# makes one pass with bipartite graph matching between pred events and ref positive events
# get TP
# make second pass with remaining pred events and ref Unk events
# compute FP as the number of remaining predicted events after the two rounds of matches.
# FN is the remaining unmatched pos events in ref.

ref_pos_indexes = select_events_with_value(ref_events_df, value=POS_VALUE)

if "Q" not in pred_events_df.columns:
pred_events_df["Q"] = POS_VALUE

#sort events by starttime
pred_events_df = pred_events_df.sort_values(by='Starttime', axis=0, ascending=True)
pred_pos_indexes = select_events_with_value(pred_events_df, value=POS_VALUE)

ref_1st_round = build_matrix_from_selected_rows(ref_events_df, ref_pos_indexes)
pred_1st_round = build_matrix_from_selected_rows(pred_events_df, pred_pos_indexes)

m_pos = metrics.match_events(ref_1st_round, pred_1st_round, min_iou=MIN_IOU_TH)
matched_ref_indexes = [ri for ri, pi in m_pos]
matched_pred_indexes = [pi for ri, pi in m_pos]

ref_unk_indexes = select_events_with_value(ref_events_df, value=UNK_VALUE)
ref_2nd_round = build_matrix_from_selected_rows(ref_events_df, ref_unk_indexes)

unmatched_pred_events = list(set(range(pred_1st_round.shape[1])) - set(matched_pred_indexes))
pred_2nd_round = pred_1st_round[:, unmatched_pred_events]

m_unk = metrics.match_events(ref_2nd_round, pred_2nd_round, min_iou=MIN_IOU_TH)

# print("# Positive matches between Ref and Pred :", len(m_pos))
# print("# matches with Unknown events: ", len(m_unk))

tp = len(m_pos)
fp = pred_1st_round.shape[1] - tp - len(m_unk)

## compute unmatched pos ref events:
count_unmached_pos_ref_events = len(ref_pos_indexes) - tp

fn = count_unmached_pos_ref_events

total_n_POS_events = len(ref_pos_indexes)
return tp, fp, fn, total_n_POS_events

def compute_scores_per_class(counts_per_class):

scores_per_class = {}
for cl in counts_per_class.keys():
tp = counts_per_class[cl]["TP"]
fp = counts_per_class[cl]["FP"]
fn = counts_per_class[cl]["FN"]

# to compute the harmonic mean we need to have all entries as non zero
precision = tp/(tp+fp) if tp+fp != 0 else MIN_EVAL_VALUE # case where no predictions were made
if precision < MIN_EVAL_VALUE:
precision = MIN_EVAL_VALUE
recall = tp/(fn+tp) if tp != 0 else MIN_EVAL_VALUE
fmeasure = tp/(tp+0.5*(fp+fn)) if tp != 0 else MIN_EVAL_VALUE

scores_per_class[cl] = {"precision": precision, "recall": recall, "f-measure": fmeasure}

return scores_per_class

def compute_scores_from_counts(counts):
tp = counts["TP"]
fp = counts["FP"]
fn = counts["FN"]

# to compute the harmonic mean we need to have all entries as non zero
precision = tp/(tp+fp) if tp+fp != 0 else MIN_EVAL_VALUE # case where no predictions were made
if precision < MIN_EVAL_VALUE:
precision = MIN_EVAL_VALUE
recall = tp/(fn+tp) if tp != 0 else MIN_EVAL_VALUE
fmeasure = tp/(tp+0.5*(fp+fn)) if tp != 0 else MIN_EVAL_VALUE

scores = {"precision": precision, "recall": recall, "f-measure": fmeasure}

return scores

def evaluate(pred_file_path, ref_file_path, team_name, dataset, savepath, metadata=[]):

print("\nEvaluation for:", team_name, dataset)
#read Gt file structure: get subsets and paths for ref csvs make an inverted dictionary with audiofilenames as keys and folder as value
gt_file_structure = {}
gt_file_structure[dataset] = {}
inv_gt_file_structure = {}
list_of_subsets = os.listdir(ref_file_path)
for subset in list_of_subsets:
gt_file_structure[dataset][subset] = [os.path.basename(fl)[0:-4]+'.wav' for fl in glob.glob(os.path.join(ref_file_path,subset,"*.csv"))]
for audiofile in gt_file_structure[dataset][subset]:
inv_gt_file_structure[audiofile] = subset

#read prediction csv
pred_csv = pd.read_csv(pred_file_path, dtype=str)
#verify headers:
if list(pred_csv.columns) != PRED_FILE_HEADER:
print('Please correct the header of the prediction file. This should be', PRED_FILE_HEADER)
# parse prediction csv
# split file into lists of events for the same audiofile.
pred_events_by_audiofile = dict(tuple(pred_csv.groupby('Audiofilename')))

counts_per_audiofile = {}
for audiofilename in list(pred_events_by_audiofile.keys()):

# for each audiofile, load correcponding GT File (audiofilename.csv)
ref_events_this_audiofile_all = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(ref_file_path, inv_gt_file_structure[audiofilename], audiofilename[0:-4]+'.csv'), dtype={'Starttime':np.float64, 'Endtime': np.float64})
# sort events by starttime:
ref_events_this_audiofile_all = ref_events_this_audiofile_all.sort_values(by='Starttime', axis=0, ascending=True)

#Remove the 5 shots from GT:
ref_events_this_audiofile = remove_shots_from_ref(ref_events_this_audiofile_all, number_shots=N_SHOTS)

# compare and get counts: TP, FP ..
tp_count, fp_count, fn_count , total_n_events_in_audiofile = compute_tp_fp_fn(pred_events_by_audiofile[audiofilename], ref_events_this_audiofile )

counts_per_audiofile[audiofilename] = {"TP": tp_count, "FP": fp_count, "FN": fn_count, "total_n_pos_events": total_n_events_in_audiofile}
print(audiofilename, counts_per_audiofile[audiofilename])

if metadata:
# using the key for classes => audiofiles, # load sets metadata:
with open(metadata) as metadatafile:
dataset_metadata = json.load(metadatafile)
dataset_metadata = copy.deepcopy(gt_file_structure)

# include audiofiles for which there were no predictions:
list_all_audiofiles = []
for miniset in dataset_metadata[dataset].keys():
if metadata:
for cl in dataset_metadata[dataset][miniset].keys():
list_all_audiofiles.extend(dataset_metadata[dataset][miniset][cl] )

for audiofilename in list_all_audiofiles:
if audiofilename not in counts_per_audiofile.keys():
ref_events_this_audiofile = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(ref_file_path, inv_gt_file_structure[audiofilename], audiofilename[0:-4]+'.csv'), dtype=str)
# sort ref_events by starttime
ref_events_this_audiofile = ref_events_this_audiofile.sort_values(by='Starttime', axis=0, ascending=True)
total_n_pos_events_in_audiofile = len(select_events_with_value(ref_events_this_audiofile, value=POS_VALUE))
counts_per_audiofile[audiofilename] = {"TP": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": total_n_pos_events_in_audiofile, "total_n_pos_events": total_n_pos_events_in_audiofile}

# aggregate the counts per class or subset:
list_sets_in_mainset = list(dataset_metadata[dataset].keys())

counts_per_class_per_set = {}
scores_per_class_per_set = {}
counts_per_set = {}
scores_per_set = {}
scores_per_audiofile = {}
for data_set in list_sets_in_mainset:
# print(data_set)

if metadata:
list_classes_in_set = list(dataset_metadata[dataset][data_set].keys())

counts_per_class_per_set[data_set] = {}
tp_set = 0
fn_set = 0
fp_set = 0
total_n_events_set = 0
for cl in list_classes_in_set:
# print(cl)
list_audiofiles_this_class = dataset_metadata[dataset][data_set][cl]
tp = 0
fn = 0
fp = 0
total_n_pos_events_this_class = 0
for audiofile in list_audiofiles_this_class:
scores_per_audiofile[audiofile] = compute_scores_from_counts(counts_per_audiofile[audiofile])

tp = tp + counts_per_audiofile[audiofile]["TP"]
tp_set = tp_set + counts_per_audiofile[audiofile]["TP"]
fn = fn + counts_per_audiofile[audiofile]["FN"]
fn_set = fn_set + counts_per_audiofile[audiofile]["FN"]
fp = fp + counts_per_audiofile[audiofile]["FP"]
fp_set = fp_set + counts_per_audiofile[audiofile]["FP"]
total_n_pos_events_this_class = total_n_pos_events_this_class + counts_per_audiofile[audiofile]["total_n_pos_events"]
total_n_events_set = total_n_events_set + counts_per_audiofile[audiofile]["total_n_pos_events"]

# counts_per_class[cl] = {"TP":tp, "FN": fn, "FP": fp, "total_n_pos_events_this_class": total_n_pos_events_this_class}
counts_per_class_per_set[data_set][cl] = {"TP": tp, "FN": fn, "FP": fp, "total_n_pos_events_this_class": total_n_pos_events_this_class}
counts_per_set[data_set] = {"TP": tp_set, "FN": fn_set, "FP": fp_set, "total_n_pos_events_this_set": total_n_events_set}

# compute scores per subset.
scores_per_set[data_set] = compute_scores_from_counts(counts_per_set[data_set])
# compute scores per class
scores_per_class_per_set[data_set] = compute_scores_per_class(counts_per_class_per_set[data_set])

list_audiofiles_in_set = dataset_metadata[dataset][data_set]
tp = 0
fn = 0
fp = 0
total_n_pos_events_this_set = 0
for audiofile in list_audiofiles_in_set:

scores_per_audiofile[audiofile] = compute_scores_from_counts(counts_per_audiofile[audiofile])
tp = tp + counts_per_audiofile[audiofile]["TP"]
fn = fn + counts_per_audiofile[audiofile]["FN"]
fp = fp + counts_per_audiofile[audiofile]["FP"]
total_n_pos_events_this_set = total_n_pos_events_this_set + counts_per_audiofile[audiofile]["total_n_pos_events"]
counts_per_set[data_set] = {"TP": tp, "FN": fn, "FP": fp, "total_n_pos_events_this_set": total_n_pos_events_this_set}

# compute scores per subset
scores_per_set[data_set] = compute_scores_from_counts(counts_per_set[data_set])

#overall_scores = {"precision" : stats.hmean([scores_per_set[dt]["precision"] for dt in scores_per_set.keys()]),
# "recall": stats.hmean([scores_per_set[dt]["recall"] for dt in scores_per_set.keys()]) ,
# "fmeasure (percentage)": np.round(stats.hmean([scores_per_set[dt]["f-measure"] for dt in scores_per_set.keys()])*100, 3)
# }

#print("\nOverall_scores:", overall_scores)
#print("\nwriting report")
fscore = np.round(stats.hmean([scores_per_set[dt]["f-measure"] for dt in scores_per_set.keys()])*100, 3)
return fscore

if __name__ == "__main__":

all_files = glob.glob("/data/DCASEfewshot/validate/d8f698b184e75c3ef4e830f9da4f148071fb4c56/results/beats/models/**/eval_out.csv",

l_fscores = []

for file in all_files:

fscore = evaluate(pred_file_path=file,


fscore_a = np.asarray(l_fscores, dtype=np.float32)
mean_f1 = np.mean(fscore_a)
std_f1 = np.std(fscore_a)

print(f"MEAN IS {mean_f1}, STD IS {std_f1}")

# docker run -v $PWD:/app -v /home/benjamin.cretois/data/DCASE/:/data --gpus all beats poetry run python evaluate/evaluation_metrics/

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