Versão em Português | English version |
Este package foi desenvolvido no decorrer da UC Projeto Final em Ciência de Dados, 3.º ano, Licenciatura em Ciência de Dados, pelo Iscte-IUL. Tivemos como coordenador da UC o Professor Doutor José Gonçalves Dias, e a orientação do Professor Doutor Jorge Sinval. | This package was developed during the UC Final Project in Data Science, 3rd year, Degree in Data Science, by Iscte-IUL. We had Professor José Gonçalves Dias as coordinator of the UC, and the guidance of Professor Jorge Sinval. |
A equipa que o desenvolveu é constituída por: | The team that developed it consists of: |
- Henrique Luís (halsa[at]iscte.iul)
- Maria Ribeiro (mcroo2[at]
- Nelson Jesus (nelson_carvalho_jesus[at]
- Pedro Ferreira (pvfaa[at]
- Telma Garção (telma_garcao[at]] |
The goal of YABPstat is to open to a more specialized public (undergraduation students, data-journalists, teachers, investigators…) the BPstat API to gather data from over 300 000 series.
You can install the development version of yabpstat from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Full documentation website on:
## basic example code
- Using YABPstat «ya_search» to get results for the query for “ihpc” (Harmonised index of consumer prices), and returning the results in portuguese language.
## using search
ya_search(query = "ihpc", lang = "PT")
- Using YABPstat «ya_info_serie()» to plot a serie from BPstat in english language.
## using info serie for plotting
ya_info_serie(series_id = 12561507, operation = "P", lang = "EN")
- Using YABPstat «ya_info_serie()» to view the data from a BPstat serie in a table format in english language.
## using info serie for plotting
ya_info_serie(series_id = 12561507, operation = "T", lang = "EN")
- Using YABPstat «ya_info_serie()» to use the data from a BPstat serie in a dataframe format for use in further analysis and reuse.
## using info serie as a dataframe for reuse
ya_info_serie(series_id = 12561507, operation = "Df")