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Export existing repositories to gitlab

minhajuddin edited this page Dec 27, 2011 · 1 revision

Use the script below to export your existing git repositories to gitlabhq

#get these two values from your browsers request headers when you login to *your* gitlab website
cookie='Cookie: remember_user_token=**'
csrf='X-CSRF-Token: **='
gitlab_host='' #substitute with IP if your server doesn't have a domain name

for r in $(cat repos)
  repo=$(echo $r| cut -d':' -f 1)
  path=$(echo $r|cut -d':' -f 2)
  echo $repo
  echo $path
  curl -H $cookie -H $csrf -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' -d "project[name]=$repo&project[path]=$repo&project[code]=$repo&project[description]=$repo" -i "http://$gitlab_host/projects"
  cd $path
  git remote add gitlab "git@$gitlab_host:$repo.git"
  git push gitlab master
  #git push gitlab --all #comment out the above line and uncomment this one if you want to push all branches

create a file named repos with the following content
