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Simulator Tests

Simulator Tests #405

name: Simulator Tests
group: ${{ github.workflow }}
- cron: '0 9 * * *' # UTC timing is every day at 1am PST
description: "commit to test"
type: string
required: true
default: origin/main
# simtest:
# timeout-minutes: 120
# permissions:
# # The "id-token: write" permission is required or Machine ID will not be
# # able to authenticate with the cluster.
# id-token: write
# contents: read
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Install Teleport
# uses: teleport-actions/setup@8d23169da0f80ce14d25ed791272faa1c07f4f1e # pin@v1
# with:
# version: 11.3.1
# - name: Authorize against Teleport
# id: auth
# uses: teleport-actions/auth@9091dad16a564f3c5b9c2ec520b234a4872b6879 # pin@v1
# with:
# # Specify the publically accessible address of your Teleport proxy.
# proxy:
# # Specify the name of the join token for your bot.
# token: sui-simtest-token
# # Specify the length of time that the generated credentials should be
# # valid for. This is optional and defaults to "1h"
# certificate-ttl: 2h
# # Cargo clean and git restore on any left over files from git checkout, and deletes all remote tracking branches
# - name: Environment clean
# run: |
# tsh -i ${{ steps.auth.outputs.identity-file }} --ttl 5 ssh ubuntu@simtest-01 "source ~/.bashrc && source ~/.cargo/env && cd ~/sui && cargo clean && git restore ."
# tsh -i ${{ steps.auth.outputs.identity-file }} --ttl 5 ssh ubuntu@simtest-01 "source ~/.bashrc && source ~/.cargo/env && cd ~/sui && git branch -r | grep -v '[-]>' | xargs -L 1 git branch -rD || true"
# # Deleting files in tmpfs that usually fill up pretty quickly after each run
# - name: Tmpfs clean
# run: |
# tsh -i ${{ steps.auth.outputs.identity-file }} --ttl 5 ssh ubuntu@simtest-01 "sudo rm -rfd /tmp/*"
# # Checkout out the latest sui repo
# - name: Checkout sui repo
# run: |
# SUI_COMMIT=${{ inputs.sui_commit }}
# tsh -i ${{ steps.auth.outputs.identity-file }} --ttl 10 ssh ubuntu@simtest-01 "source ~/.bashrc && source ~/.cargo/env && cd ~/sui && git fetch origin && git checkout $SUI_COMMIT"
# # Setting up cargo and simtest
# - name: Install simtest
# run: |
# tsh -i ${{ steps.auth.outputs.identity-file }} --ttl 10 ssh ubuntu@simtest-01 "source ~/.bashrc && source ~/.cargo/env && cd ~/sui && ./scripts/simtest/"
# # Run simulator tests
# - name: Run simtest
# run: |
# tsh -i ${{ steps.auth.outputs.identity-file }} --ttl 120 ssh ubuntu@simtest-01 "source ~/.bashrc && source ~/.cargo/env && cd ~/sui && RUSTUP_MAX_RETRIES=10 CARGO_TERM_COLOR=always CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0 CARGO_NET_RETRY=10 RUST_BACKTRACE=short RUST_LOG=off USE_MOCK_CRYPTO=1 NUM_CPUS=24 ./scripts/simtest/"
name: Notify
# needs: [simtest]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: always() # always notify
- uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v3
- name: Checkout sui repo main branch
uses: actions/checkout@755da8c3cf115ac066823e79a1e1788f8940201b # pin@v3
- name: Get sui commit
# if: env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION == 'failure' # notify only if failure
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
run: |
export sui_sha=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
echo "sui_sha=${sui_sha}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Get link to logs
# if: env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION == 'failure' # notify only if failure
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
run: |
gh_job_link=$(gh api -X GET 'repos/MystenLabs/sui/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}/jobs' --jq '.jobs.[0].html_url')
echo "gh_job_link=${gh_job_link}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Post to slack
# if: env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION == 'failure' # notify only if failure
uses: slackapi/[email protected] # [email protected]
SUI_SHA: ${{ env.sui_sha }}
GH_JOB_LINK: ${{ env.gh_job_link }}
channel-id: 'test-notifications'
payload: |
"text": "*${{ github.workflow }}* workflow status: `${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}`",
"blocks": [
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "*${{ github.workflow }}* workflow status: `${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}`"
"type": "divider"
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "Sui commit: <${{ env.SUI_SHA }}|${{ env.SUI_SHA }}> \nRun: <${{ env.GH_JOB_LINK }}|${{ github.run_id }}>"
"type": "divider"
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "<@sui-core>, to debug failures: `tsh ssh ubuntu@simtest-01` and look in the `/home/ubuntu/simtest_logs/{date}` folder for test results"