This project was forked from a similar plugin for Netflix and
Automatically scrobble TV show episodes and movies you are watching to! Keep a history of everything you've watched! Sign up for a free account at and get a ton of features. has a lot of plugins to automatically scrobble the movies and episodes you watch from your media center. But i found nothing to integrate with NRK, so i created this extension. Every time you click to play something on NRK, it will send the scrobble to Cool, isn't it?
Unfortunately NRK doesn't provide a public API, so the movie or episodes info is extracted from the HTML of the web TV.
Obviously the plugin is only able to match and scrobble series and movies which is available on See Trakt help page on how to add TV shows and movies. Since most of the international titles on NRK web-TV has a Norwegian translation, it might not always match content. Some of these mismatches may be fixed in a future update. Also some series use a different season numbering (usually years) than the ones on This will probably never be supported.
If you find any problems or have suggestions or questions, feel free to open an issue
Create an application in Trakt API.
Don't forget to check /scrobble
In Redirect uri:
put https://{extensionId}
In Javascript (cors) origins:
put https://{extensionId}
and chrome-extension://{extensionId}
Copy the config.json
example file and change credentials:
cp config.json
The following examples uses npm, but yarn may also be used.
Install the dependencies
npm install
To run in development mode
npm start
To get build version (generates, ready for chrome store)
npm run build
npm run zip
To run tests (currently not working)
npm test
This product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb.
This product uses the API.
This product is forked from traktflix by tegon and other contributors.