Welcome to the only allround telegram bot on the market! This is a licensed tool and can be purchased by contacting https://t.me/MrGrassss. I also sell my own telegram account generator if your in need of cheap private accounts.
# Login to your tokens in various ways (TDATA, sessions, manual and accounts.txt)
# Proxy support
# Restart clients with new proxies when max limit is reached
# Scrape members from chat messages
# Add members to group/ channel (private groups supported)
# Group Joiner (private chats supported)
# Multi Group Joiner (private chats supported)
# Load sessions in from TDATA
# Load TDATA in from sessions
# Name Changer
# Avatar Changer
# Mass Forwarder (private chats supported)
# Channel Leaver
# Normal Scraper
# Group Advertiser (private chats supported)
# BIO Changer
# Username changer
# Admin Promoter (private chats supported)
# Client Checker (GUI)
# Verification Scraper
# Custom Message Creator
# MassDM (Copy Message)
# Member Banner
# Mass Reporter (Groups / Channels / Users)
# Forum Advertiser
# Group-List Joiner
# Group-List Leaver
# Group-List Creator
# Message Views
# Copy New Messages
# Shiller
# Clearing Contacts
# Group/Channel Cleaner
# Comments Shiller
# Phone Scraper
# Pre-joined Group Advertiser
# Unique Multi Joiner
# GPT Replier
# Any suggestions will be added
- Note: In every functionality there will be prompts that will ask you if you have already done something needed for
it to work. This means that you don't necessarily need to use one function first before using the other.
- Important: If your going to use this tool for any other activity then scraping make sure to select "Y" to scrape
all users info because you will be needing their usernames or access_hash.
- TDATA: Formats: {name}/tdata/(actual_data), {name}/(actual_data). For best results use bought TDATA. TDATA with
multiple accounts logged in are not supported YET.
- Load TDATA in from sessions: This will convert your sessions to usable tdata so that you can login to your clients
via something like telegram portable.
- accounts.txt: This allows manual login using phone number per 1 line in the txt. MUST HAVE COUNTRY CODE.
If you find it annoying that it keeps asking if you want to use accounts.txt you can simply remove the accounts
from the list and use sessions / tdata instead. This way it won't prompt you anymore :)
- Proxies: The formats of the proxies are hostname:port@username:password (socks5) or hostname:port:username:pass (http).
Don't use proxies for scraping or changing client info! For Iproyal only SOCKS5 is supported in the hostname:port@
username:password format. Proxies do not seem to effect telegram at all, hence why I have not expended on it.
- +users_info.json: This will contain the succesfully messages users_info so that you could reuse that list in the
- Bio Changer: Max length of a telegram bio is 70 characters, the same rules apply here.
- Client Checker: This just gets all data from your client and shows them in a GUI with a search function and remove
- Scrapers: Scraped users will always be added ontop of each other in user_info.json and user_ids.txt excluding
duplicates. Also it's possible to stop scraping by pressing your enter key and save your progress. You will need
to enable adding to contacts for users with no username.
- Normal Scraper: This only works when a channel has their member list on public and only requires one client.
(scrapes almost instantly)
- Message Scraper: This function scrapes all messages in the channel and saves the users info of the sender of that
message, this way you can also scrape channels that have their member list disabled aslong as chatting is allowed.
Using multiple clients for this would speed it up.
- Verification Scraper: This feature uses the title of the channel to scrape the members, this would normally not
work with the channel its @. Make sure that atleast one of your clients is in this channel through manually
verifying if needed.
- Phone Scraper: Uses phone_list.txt in phone_scraper folder and saves info from scraped numbers to user_info in
the same phone_scraper folder. Saves to JSON and Excel.
- Add members to group: This feature ensures that your clients are joined to the specified group before adding the
scraped users. Within the 'adder' folder, you will find a configuration file where you can adjust the program's
waiting time and the number of members to be added per client. There is also an option 'additional_joined_check'
that only counts adds after checking if their actually in (this might cause more privacy errors) For channels
invites will be sent instead of immediately adding. Make sure that the clients are admin in the group.
- Admin Promoter: This feature needs atleast one of your clients to be admin in the channel and your clients to
have usernames. You can use the "Username Changer" to guarantee this works. You get to choose if the admin
appears invisible and the title this admin should have.
- Group-List Joiner: This uses 'https://t.me/addlist/6wxnTZgrHSU2ZmM6' to add up to 100 groups at once and join them
instantly with no limitations. These links need to be put in 'groupadvertiser/grouplist.txt' in the format I
showed above or the last part of the link so in this case '6wxnTZgrHSU2ZmM6'. Joined groups get exported into
'exported_groupslist.txt' to be used in groups.txt for the normal advertiser. (Groups should have usernames)
- Group-List Creator: This uses the groups.txt in groupadvertiser and automatically uses the fullfetcher to create
Folders of max 100 chats per folder. Full fetch does not have to be turned on BUT all clients have to be in all
channels in 'groups.txt'to make this go smoothly. 'seconds_between_fetch' applies here too if full fetch is on.
- Group/Channel Cleaner: Fully fetches all groups and channels in groupadvertiser/groups.txt and uses config.json
in the groupadvertiser with cleaner_min_members and cleaner_max_members and seconds_between_fetch. After cleaning
the groups will overwrite exisiting groups.
- Unique Multi Joiner: Same as multi group joiner but allows unique group lists per client. Automatically opens a
a txt per client to put the groups in. supports channelname, @channelname, https://t.me/joinchat/, https://t.me/,
http and t.me/. (public groups only)
- Group Fetching in advertiser: groupadvertiser/groups.txt supports channelname, @channelname,
https://t.me/joinchat/, https://t.me/, http and t.me/. (public groups only)
- Group Advertiser: For this feature you will find a full config that you can change to your needs.I recommend to
first use 'full_fetch: true' with multiple clients to clean your channels in groups.txt and turn it off after the
cleaning process. Clients seconds between depends on the quality of your sessions (experiment at your own risk).
Using multiple accounts will speed this process up x the amount of clients which I do recommend if your using over
40 groups to advertise in.
- Forum Advertiser: This feature is essentially the same as the Group Advertiser but uses forumgroups.txt found
in the groupadvertiser folder instead. The groups should have this format: https://t.me/forumtester/2 or
t.me/forumtester/2. It uses the same config found in the groupadvertiser folder except "seconds_between_fetch" and
"full_fetch" don't do anything here. Please know that slow mode counts for the entire group and not just for 1
topic, meaning if you try to use 1 client for multiple topics and the first topic will have slow the others will
always be skipped.
- Mass Forwarder: Forwards full messages from your channek to user list. Adding to contacts should be enabled during
scraping for this to function properly.
- MassDM (Copy): This is the same as the mass forwarder except instead of forwarding we copy the given message and
send it as a dm. There is an option to randomly edit your message on flags, see 'Prevent MASSDM flags' below.
- Prevent MassDM(Forwarder) flags: In MassDM(copy) and Massforwarder you will find an option to change message on flags
(only appears when using a channel), this adds random characters in between words while keeping emojis, links
and markdown characters intact. For this you will need one client that has admin permissions with atleast
"Edit Messages of Others" turned on. There is also an option called "changed_message_ratio" which is a percentage
of how often a random character will be added, the higher the more characters. "change_group_url" will change the
messageId behind a telegram group link to prevent flags, this is recommended to be used with having your actual
promo message in that telegram group that you have used the link of.
- Message Views: Adds views to any post in any public channel. You can either scrape "Free" proxies from the web or
use your own HTTP/HTTPS rotating proxies.
- Copy New Messages: Copy new messages from specified group/channel to your own group/channel. Can be used with
multiple clients but I see no reason why this would be used with multiple since they will be sending the same msg
at the same time. You can put keywords per line to be blocked in groupadvertiser/copy_blocked_keywords.txt
- Shiller: Send messages with multiple clients to your group or channels. The config thats in groupadvertiser/config
is used for this aswell but only the join and fetch part and the groups.txt for all the groups to shill in.
For the message part use shiller.json.
- Comments Shiller: Same as shiller but comments on discussions instead. Choose between copy or forwarding.
- Pre-joined Group Advertiser: Same as the groupadvertiser but instead of using full fetch or groups.txt it gathers
all groups that the clients are already a part of and starts advertising in them with the same forward delays in
groupadvertiser/config.json. Uses all_groups_forwarded_delay_minutes, seconds_between_all_clients and
- GPT Replier: Automatically replies to messages in a specified Telegram group or channel using openai.
The bot can be configured to reply based on a specified percentage of messages and uses a custom prompt for
context. This prompt can be created in the 'gpt_replier' folder and should be named 'prompt.txt'.
I already tell gpt what its job is so you don't have to worry about that. Only add the context of the chat and how
it should behave to the prompt.
I'm open to any suggestions / feedback!
For questions, you can always contact me on telegram: https://t.me/MrGrassss