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Python project to sync LDAP/Active Directory Groups into GitLab


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Python project to sync LDAP/Active Directory Groups into GitLab.

The script will create the missing LDAP groups into gitlab and sync membership of all LDAP groups.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


This project has been tested on CentOS 7.6 with GitLab 11.5.* and OpenLDAP and Active Directory.

Python        : 3.4.9
pip3          : 8.1.2
python-gitlab : 1.6.0
python-ldap   : 3.4.0


You could either install requirements system wide or use virtual environment / conda, choose your poison.

To get this up and running you just need to do the following :

  • Clone the repo
git clone
  • Install requirements
pip3 install -r ./gitlab-ldap-sync/requirements.txt
  • Edit config.json with you values
EDITOR ./gitlab-ldap-sync/config.json
  • Start the script and enjoy your sync users and groups being synced
cd ./gitlab-ldap-sync && ./

You should get something like this :

Initializing gitlab-ldap-sync.
Updating logger configuration
Connecting to GitLab
Connecting to LDAP
Getting all groups from GitLab.
Getting all groups from LDAP.
Groups currently in GitLab : < G1 >, < G2 >, < G3 >, < G4 >, < G5 >, < P1 >, < P2 >, < P3 >
Groups currently in LDAP : < G1 >, < G2 >, < G3 >, < G4 >, < G5 >, < G6 >, < G7 > 
Syncing Groups from LDAP.
Working on group <Group Display Name> ...
|- Group already exist in GitLab, skiping creation.
|- Working on group's members.
|  |- User <User Display Name> already in gitlab group, skipping.
|  |- User <User Display Name> already in gitlab group, skipping.
|- Done.

You could add the script in a cron to run it periodically.


How to configure config.json

  "log": "/tmp/gitlab-ldap-sync.log",                 // Where to store the log file. If not set, will log to stdout
  "log_level": "INFO",                                // The log level
  "gitlab": {
    "api": "",              // Url of your GitLab 
    "ssl_verify": true,                               // Verify SSL certificate when using HTTPs (true, false, path to own CA bundle)
    "private_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",          // Token generated in GitLab for an user with admin access
    "oauth_token": "",
    "ldap_provider":"",                               // Name of your LDAP provider in gitlab.yml
    "create_user": true,                              // Should the script create the user in GitLab
    "group_visibility": "private",                    // Set visibility level of new group (private, internal, public)
    "add_description": true                           // Add description from your LDAP as group description
  "ldap": {
    "url": "ldaps://ldap.loc",                        // URL to your ldap / active directory
    "users_base_dn": "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com",    // Where we should look for users
    "groups_base_dn": "ou=groupss,dc=example,dc=com", // Where we should look for groups
    "user_filter": "(memberOf=CN=GitUsers)",          // What filter we should use on user selection
    "bind_dn": "login",                               // User to log with
    "password": "password",                           // Password of the user
    "group_attribute": "",                            // The attribute to search in LDAP. The value must be gitlab_sync
    "group_prefix": ""                                // The prefix of the groups that should be synced

You should use private_token or oauth_token but not both. Check the gitlab documentation for how to generate the personal access token.

create_user If set to true, the script will create the users in gitlab and add them in the corresponding groups. Be aware that gitlab will send a mail to every new users created.


  • Use async search to avoid errors with large LDAP
  • Maybe implement sync interval directly in the script to avoid using cron or systemd
  • Use a true logging solution (no more silly print statements)
  • Implement group_attribute and group_prefix to allow the selection of the groups to sync (avoid syncing every groups into gitlab)
  • your suggestions

Built With


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


  • Jean-François GUILLAUME (Jeff MrBear) - Initial work - MrBE4R
  • Marcel Pennewiß - Various improvements - mape2k

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used


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