This is simple solution to monitor the health of your deplyoments in kuberenetes. It includes a cron job which will run every X minutes and check weather any of your deployments doesn't have running pods. If so it will send an alert message to slack.
- kubectl
First you need to create a configmap from the shell script. For that run
kubectl create configmap available-pods-check
Second we need to create cron job and service account for it. Please make sure to modify cron.yaml file and set the following env variables:
- WEBHOOK (You can check here how to create Inbound Webhook for Slack)
Also you can change the schedule of cronjob which is set to run every 5 minutes.
After that go ahead and run
kubectl apply -f cron.yaml
You can check that your cron has been created, and the last schedule by running
kubectl get cronjob available-pods-check
Stay healthy!