NewWave is an easy-to-use UI library, written in VLang, with a focus on simplicity and expandabillity.
- Modular component types -> Object ( for rendering ), Container ( for orientation of components ), Reactor ( for interactivity )
- Expandable file structure
- custom style sheet implementation in .json format, with the power of style variables.
- Object oriented component structure
- Easy referencing of objects through the ui struct to selected components.
- More individual component formatting settings ( text orientation, etc. )
- More components -> Text Input, Switch, Slider
- Add more commentary to internal functions and components, explaining what they are doing
- Add option for internal Component variables to not be able to be set through the style sheet
- Add font support for all text components
module main
import gg
import lib.geom { Vec2 }
import lib.std { Color }
import lib.ui { UI, Button }
struct App {
ctx &gg.Context = unsafe { nil }
ui UI = UI{}
fn main() {
mut app := &App{}
app.ctx = gg.new_context(
width: 1600
height: 900
window_title: 'UI Preview'
frame_fn: frame
init_fn: init
user_data: app
// Runs once at start
fn init(mut app App) {
// Read Style
style_path := @VMODROOT + "/lib/ui/styles/simple_dark.json"
style := ui.Style.load_style(style_path) or { panic("Style Parse Error : ${err}") } = style
// Make scene structure
screen_size := Vec2{1600, 900}
app.ui.components << [
pos: Vec2{100, 100}
size: Vec2{100, 24}
text: "Print 'Hello World!'"
pressed_fn: fn () { println("Hello World!") }
// Runs every frame
fn frame(mut app App) {
// Draw
app.ui.draw(mut app.ctx)
// app.ui.draw_debug(mut app.ctx) // > Debu outlines of every component
// [...]
ref: ["btn_hello_world"] // Allows yout to easely read this component ( Button ) from the UI struct in App
// [...]
// [...]
// Runs every frame
fn frame(mut app App) {
gg_screen_size := gg.window_size()
button_size := Vec2{f64(gg_screen_size.width), f64(gg_screen_size.height)} - Vec2{200, 200}
// Apply size based on screen size to all objects of type button with the given reference
app.ui.set_ref_data[Vec2, Button]("btn_hello_world", "size", button_size)
// Reference Field Value
// Draw
app.ui.draw(mut app.ctx)
// app.ui.draw_debug(mut app.ctx) // > Debu outlines of every component