Once you've got these installed, we can build our container and run it
docker run \
--name typeorm-postgres \
-p 5432:5432 \
-e POSTGRES_DB=typescript_api \
-e POSTGRES_USER=typescript_user \
-d postgres
Install node all dependancies. All of these postgres database environment variables can change, and can be set as environment varibales on your machine if you want to change them.
npm install
Run the initial migrations to setup our DB schema
npm run typeorm -- migration:run
Once you've got all the dependancies installed you can run the project via
npm start
By defualt the project runs at localhost:3001
, but you can change the port by setting an alternate PORT
environment variable if you so choose.
If you're working in vscode, a configuration has been included to allow for debugging. Open up the VS Code Run and Debug section and click Debug API
This projet is built using
- Typescript - A superset of JavaScript. The language of the applciation
- Express - A Node REST framework.
- TypeORM - A Typescript ORM (manages the DB and all DB calls)
If the schema needs to be updated, you can do so by updating the models and running
npm run typeorm -- migration:generate -n generatedMigrationName