The 'bin' directory contains precompiled versions of the program for Windows and Linux (x86-64 architecture). To run the program, you need a configuration file in the .ron format. Sample files are located in the 'config' directory. The full program invocation from the console on Windows is: ./forest_fire.exe config.ron. The result of the program is an animation in the GIF format.
// Number of simulation frames
frames: 500,
// The number of frames per second of the animation
frame_rate: 25,
// Path to the output file. The resulting format is GIF,
// so the file name should have the extension .gif
output_path: "green_tea.gif",
// Resolution of generated animation: (horizontal, vertical)
resolution: (960, 540),
// The size of a single cell in pixels. This parameter must be selected in such a way
// that it divides the horizontal and vertical resolution values without any remainder
cell_size: 4,
// Fraction of alive cells at the beginning of the simulation. Optional parameter
alive_fraction: 0.5,
// Probability of germination (when in contact with other trees). Optional parameter
sprout_probability: 0.005,
// Probability of random germination. Optional parameter
random_sprout_probability: 0.00075,
// Tree growth speed. Optional parameter
growth_rate: 0.001,
// The flammability of trees determines how easily trees catch fire from other trees.
// Optional parameter
inflammability: 0.075,
// Likelihood of spontaneous combustion. Optional parameter
self_ignition_probability: 0.000005,
// Burning rate. Optional parameter
burning_rate: 0.075,
// The color palette of the forest. Optional parameter
forest_color_palette: [(88, 227, 21), (104, 221, 4), (48, 175, 32), (185, 242, 10), (20, 180, 78), (3, 71, 84)],
// The color of the flame. Optional parameter
fire_color: (255, 28, 28),
// Ground color. Optional parameter
ground_color: (2, 12, 5),