Simple on chain reward program
launching a memecoin - "TOKEN"
setup a pool with ETH/TOKEN
- issue points for every time somebody buys TOKEN with ETH
- issue points for everytime somebody adds liquidity to the pool
THIS IS NOT PRODUCTION READY. If we have time we'll discuss about limitations and how to fix them
- 20% of value in ETH. if alice sells 1 ETH to buy TOKEN, it will receive 0.2 points.
- For adding liquidity , we'll keep 1:1 for ETH added
- issue points evertime somebody buy TOKEN for ETH
- afterSwap : the amount of ETH can be only known after swap has happened
- issue points proportional to amount of ETH being sent from user for swap
- issue points everytime somebody add liquidity
- afterAddLiquidity
- Represents changes in the balance of token0 and token1
- BalanceDelta = (amount0Delta amount1Delta)
- Alice sells 1 ETH for TOKEN in our pool after swap is done
- BalanceDelta = (-1 ETH, +500 TOKEN)
- whenever there is a balance change , all number in uniswap by convention are represented from user perspective
- amount0Delta = -1 ETH => user needs to send 1 ETH to uniswap (user owes 1 ETH)
- amount1Delta = 500 token => User is owed 500 tokens from uniswap (uniswap needs to send 500 tokens to user)
- exactInput(...) : zero for one
- exactInput(...) : one for zero
- exactOutput(...) : zero for one
- exactOutput(...) : one for zero