Localisation plug-in for Wordpress, translations as a service
Drago plug-in is the simplest way you could localise your WordPress site. Simply install it, choose destination languages and voilà – your new WP is not only suddenly supporting extra languages (which normally it is not), but real, human-made translations appear automatically!
How does it work? Plug-in adds an endpoint to your standard permalink structure (eg. for any /2015/09/post/ link there will be a /2015/09/post/es/ version in Spanish), and then it asks Drago API to supply translation. Whenever translation is ready, it's fetched and saved as post metadata (in your local database), ready to be displayed by the plug-in.
No catch, really. Just the simplest way to translate your WP, and somehow nobody has done it already.
Drago is being developed by Menara Solutions Pty Ltd, a Melbourne-based company. If you have any questions, complaints or feedbacks, drop us a line at https://www.menara.com.au