A webui for ActivityWatch built in Vue.js
# Install dependencies
make install
# Make sure you have aw-server running, the testing port will be used by default
# so make sure you are running with the --testing flag
aw-server --testing
# serve with hot reload at localhost:27180
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
For development you'll also have to add/change CORS configuration in the
aw-server config by adding cors_origins = http://localhost:27180
to your
configuration file ~/.config/activitywatch/aw-server/aw-server.ini
under the
One of the first things that happen in the application is the execution of src/main.js
This loads things such as bootstrap-vue and a bunch of other stuff that's globally used (filters, resources).
The main.js file then loads the src/App.vue
file, which is the root component of the application.
This repo was initialized with a Vue.js template that uses webpack, so for detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the guide and docs for vue-loader.