A hotel booking system built using the MERN framework (MongoDB, Express, React, Node)
Cohort 1 Group 6:Soh Pei Xuan 1005552 | Guo Yuchen 1004885 | Nicholas Goh 1005194 | Adelle Chan 1005418 |
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd api
npm install
cd client
npm install
To begin running the web application, first start a new terminal and run the backend Express server (http://localhost:8080/)
cd api
npm start
Subequently, start another terminal and run the frontend React server (http://localhost:3000/)
cd client
npm start
Text-based autocomplete search that facilitates a fast return of relevant destinations. Accompanied with a datepicker and dropdown for number of guests and rooms.
Given a set of parameters (e.g. destination, dates, no. of guests, no. of rooms), provides a list of avaliable hotels, with description and lowest price (paginated).
✔️ http://localhost:3000/destinations/RsBU/2022-08-09/2022-08-10/en_US/SGD/SG/2/0/1/0
Given a set of parameters and particular hotel, provides a list of all matching room listings, prices and description. Accompanied with Pigeon Maps API for hotel location and hotel details.
✔️ http://localhost:3000/hotels/S57Q/RsBU/2022-08-09/2022-08-10/en_US/SGD/SG/2/0/1
By clicking on a room rate card, customers will be redirected to a booking confirmation page and can perform payment through Stripe API. Booking data will also be stored in local database.
Our backend server makes API calls api\routes\api.js
to Ascenda's API using the following format:
✔️ http://localhost:8080/api/hotel/diH7
✔️ http://localhost:8080/api/destination/hotels/4FBY/0
✔️ http://localhost:8080/api/hotel/price/diH7/WD0M/2022-08-25/2022-08-29/en_US/SGD/SG/2
✔️ http://localhost:8080/api/destination/prices/FkG9/2022-08-25/2022-08-26/en_US/SGD/ES/2/0
📦api # backend Express files
┣ 📂bin
┣ 📂controllers # individual routing controllers
┣ 📂node_modules
┣ 📂public
┣ 📂routes # api.js, routing for backend
┣ 📂stripe # stripe integration for backend
┣ 📂views
┣ 📜app.js
📦client # frontend React files
┣ 📂node_modules
┣ 📂public # images used in webapp
┣ 📂src
┃ ┣ 📂components # building blocks for webpage
┃ ┃ ┗ 📂utils # api call function, url checker
┃ ┣ 📂database # static JSON data
┃ ┣ 📂pages # main webpages: hotel, home, error, dest
┃ ┣ 📜App.js
┃ ┗ 📜index.js
📦media # webpage screenshots
📦testing # selenium and jmeter testing files
📜requirements.txt # python dependencies