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Internet Status Checker in Blazor PWA ⚡

This is an example of how to check the internet connection status in a Blazor Progressive Web Application (PWA).

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How it Works

It's quite simple. We'll use a JavaScript script and then define NetworkState as a state container to use it in any component.

network.js = {
        initialize: function (interop) {
            function handler() {
                interop.invokeMethodAsync("Network.StatusChanged", navigator.onLine);
            window.addEventListener('online', handler);
            window.addEventListener('offline', handler);
            if (!navigator.onLine) {


    public class NetworkState : INetworkState
        public event Action StatusChanged;
        public bool IsOnline { get; set; } = true;

        public NetworkState(IJSRuntime jsRuntime)
            => jsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("network.initialize", DotNetObjectReference.Create(this));

        public void OnStatusChanged(bool isOnline)
            if (IsOnline != isOnline)
                IsOnline = isOnline;

Regarding the state container, you should define the service as a singleton if the application is WebAssembly, or scoped if it's server-side.

You should subscribe in any component you desire. In this example, I've subscribed in the "NetworkStatus" component.

@code {
    protected bool IsOnline => _networkState.IsOnline;
    protected override void OnInitialized()
        _networkState.StatusChanged += NetworkStatusChanged;


    private void NetworkStatusChanged()


    public void Dispose()
        _networkState.StatusChanged -= NetworkStatusChanged;

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