An interface to query the openreview platform API from R.
The goal of this package is to
- Use R syntax to make queries
- Handel errors
- Return usable objects "tidy"
- Work with complex queries and anticipate errors
- Tidy and/or simplify the returned content
- Document the API parameters and write common use cases
Install from GitHub using remotes
This is a basic example which shows how to query the API for a user profile using an email address.
# load the library
# make a query
prof <- request_profiles(email = '[email protected]')
# tidy the output
#> # A tbl_json: 1 x 14 tibble with a "JSON" attribute
#> ..JSON id invitation active password tcdate tmdate tauthor
#> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <lgl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 "{\"i… 1 ~Mah… ~/-/profi… TRUE TRUE 1.60e12 1.60e12 OpenRe…
#> # … with 5 more variables: content.preferredEmail <chr>, content.gender <chr>,
#> # content.homepage <chr>, content.gscholar <chr>, content.orcid <chr>