This backend application uses a SQL database as backend. This is standard functionality in the Django framework. Django itself uses a model-view-controller software development paradigm. Hence, the data model is located in api/ A visual representation of this model is provided below:
Note: this figure was generated using the following code: python graph_models -o data_structure_fairmodels_backend.png api
The following (relational) objects are described below:
The user representation who creates the FAIRmodel object
The high-level object for an individual FAIR model
- id: the unique identifier
- user: reference to the User object who created the FAIR model object
- created_at: creation date/time
- name: Name of the FAIR model object
- description: Description of the FAIR model object
A FAIR model can have different versions which slightly updated parameters, however having the same aim and target prediction. This object describes a single FAIR model version.
Properties: *
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python runserver